The NBC continuation of the series takes place thirty years after Sam Beckett, who was portrayed in the original series by Scott Bakula, disappeared in the Quantum Leap accelerator. The story focuses on a new crew that has been established to relaunch the project. However, everything changed when Ben (played by Lee) made an unlawful leap into the past, leaving his crew behind to figure out why he did it and try to understand why he did it in the first place. When can you expect to be able to watch episode 14 of Quantum Leap Reboot? Check out this post (at for details on the upcoming fourteenth episode of Quantum Leap Season 1.Â
Quantum Leap Season 1 Episode 16 “Ben, Interrupted” Preview
Quantum Leap Reboot Episode 14 Guest Star: Brandon Routh
Brandon Routh will appear as a special guest star in an upcoming episode in the role of Commander Alexander Augustine, who is Addison’s father. The episode is named “SOS,” and it takes place during war simulations in 1989. After accompanying her fiancĂ© Ben Song (Raymond Lee) on a time travel mission to 1989 aboard a military battleship for war games practice, hologram sidekick Addison Augustine (Caitlin Bassett) finds herself in a sticky situation. Her father, Alexander, is the XO, as it turns out. We may see Addison achieve some closure with her father in a number of different ways.  The full plot summary for Quantum Leap Reboot Episode 14 is provided below.
 New Quantum Leap Series Episode 14 Release Date
The new episode 14 of Quantum Leap will air on NBC at 11:00 PM on Monday, March 6, 2023. All episodes from Season 1 will be available to watch online the day after they first air on Peacock. Services like DirecTV Stream, Hulu with Live TV, FuboTV, Sling TV, and YouTube TV allow you to cut the cord without missing your favorite shows. Aside from ordering six more episodes for Season 1, NBC has also renewed the show for Season 2 despite the show’s lackluster ratings.