New scientist Dr. Ben Song (Raymond Lee) enters the titular accelerator in NBC’s Quantum Leap reboot, which is set 30 years after the original ’90s series. On April 3 season finale, he went to the year 2051 with Future Ian, who provided the secret code that allowed them to finally beat Martinez. Then, in 2018, Ben jumped into his own body and changed a few things to prevent Martinez from killing Addison. With the help of his secret code, Ian was able to undo everything that had gone wrong on his quest, including his first date with Addison. Unfortunately, the episode came to a close before Ben could come to pass in the Quantum Leap accelerator after he took what everyone assumed to be his final leap home. Did he get there safely? Here’s all ( we know about the second season of Quantum Leap.
[Finale] Quantum Leap Season 1 Episode 18 Recap “Judgement Day” Did Martinez Die?
‘Quantum Leap’ Season 2 What to Expect?
Showrunner Martin Gero confirms to TVLine that it is clear that Ben did not return home. there will be no doppelgangers of Martinez because he is dead. Because Ben is unable to break his cycle of inhabiting different bodies, he and Addison will have to wait some more before they can be brought back together. Their relationship will be complicated in Season 2 when Ben can’t return. In the new season, fans can look forward to seeing Ian, Jenn, and Magic make additional trips to the imaging chamber as part of the team’s ongoing efforts to bring Ben home. watch the second season preview below.
‘Quantum Leap’ Season 2: Release Date
In December 2022 Quantum Leap was renewed for a second season, and production on new episodes has already begun. Gero announced on Instagram that filming for Season 2 of Quantum Leap had begun on February 14. Season 1 debuted on NBC’s fall schedule, so it stands to reason that Season 2 will do the same in September/October 2023. However, the network has not announced when the show will resume airing. As information about Quantum Leap Season 2 becomes available, I will add it to this post.
‘Quantum Leap’ Season 2′ Cast
The cast and production crew are still hopeful that Scott Bakula, who played Dr. Sam Beckett in the original Quantum Leap series from 1989 to 1993, will agree to reprise his role in the future, despite his announcement in September 2022 that he would not be taking part in the series. Raymond Lee was a part of the first season’s cast, which also included Ernie Hudson as Herbert “Magic” Williams, Nanrisa Lee as Jenn Chou, Mason Alexander Park as Ian Wright, and Caitlin Bassett as Addison Augustine.