Riverdale Season 6 Episode 22 [Season Finale] Will Bailey’s Comet will destroy the Town

Riverdale Season 6 Episode 22 will release on Sunday, July 31, 2022, at 8 p.m. E.T. on The CW. Only one episode of Riverdale’s sixth season remains. it appears that the residents of Riverdale will now have to deal with the end of the world.

On Riverdale, Archie and the rest of the gang have spent the entire season dealing with a menace that is unlike any other that they have seen in the past: Percival Pickens (Chris O’Shea). Percival, who is a descendent of the man who founded the town, General Pickens, swiftly reveals that he is up to no good, all under the appearance of wanting to save Riverdale. Eventually, it is discovered that Percival is indeed evil, and the threat that Riverdale is facing is veritably apocalyptic.

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[Finale] Riverdale Season 6 Episode 22 Recap: Ending Explained

In Riverdale Season 6 Episode 21, the conflict between Good and Evil was battled. A lot happened in this episode. In their battle with Percival, our heroes experienced many different events, including unexpected turns. But at last, The war finished successfully before the comet arrived. It proved to be one of the series’ wildest episodes yet At www.tvacute.com, you’ve come to the perfect place.  We’ve compiled all of the officially revealed information regarding Riverdale Season 6 Episode 22  so far, including release dates, promo, sneak peek, and more.

Riverdale Season 6 Episode 22 Spoilers

Now, at the conclusion of a season in which fans have seen witnessed everything from supernatural powers to travel in time to revivals, it all comes down to one final showdown.  The Bailey’s Comet, the astronomical event that was previously explored in the fourth episode of the season, is apparently on its way. Riverdale Season 6’s 22nd episode, “Chapter One Hundred Seventeen: Night of the Comet,” will serve as the season’s finale. it sounds like Archie (K.J. Apa) and his friends will come together to fight the town’s most significant danger ever.  The fact that we have a strong intuition that there is going to be action, drama, and possibly even death this time around is the most important thing that needs to be addressed right now. Watch Riverdale Season 6 Episode 22 promo and synopsis below to get a better idea of ​​what to expect:

Riverdale Season 6 Episode 22 Promo

Riverdale Season 6.22 Synopsis: “CROSSROADS — Archie (KJ Apa) and the gang band together to save Riverdale from the greatest threat the town has ever faced. Lili Reinhart, Camila Mendes, Cole Sprouse, Madelaine Petsch, Mädchen Amick, Casey Cott, Vanessa Morgan, Charles Melton, Erinn Westbrook and Drew Ray Tanner also star. Gabriel Correa directed the episode written by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa & Aaron Allen.”

Even though there is very little information available regarding what to anticipate in this season’s finale, showrunner Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa has already hinted that the season will end on a “huge swing” due to the fact that the next season, Season 7, will be Riverdale’s final season. We are aware that there will be the seventh season! which is why we are preparing ourselves for a significant cliffhanger when the road comes to an end.

Riverdale Season 6 Finale Photos

Where to Watch Riverdale Season 6 Episode 22?

Riverdale Season 6 Episode 22 will release on Sunday, July 31, 2022, at 8 p.m. E.T. on The CW. ( on CW50). The show will continue to air once a week. Riverdale Season 6 could go on for a little more, Seasons 4 and 5 both had 19 episodes.  you can watch Riverdale Chapter 117 on Streaming Services Such as YouTube TV, DirecTV, and Fubo TV. Riverdale Season 5 can also buy and rent on iTunes and Prime Video by even purchasing a single episode or the entire season. we’ll have to wait until 2022 for the sixth season of the show to arrive on Netflix in the United States, most likely in July.

Riverdale Season 6 Episode 22 Recap

Percival Pickens meditates while Jughead writes. Percival shut down the local news station, according to Jughead. Alice, Tom, and Frank were executed, says Jughead. Betty’s mother is dead, and she’s frightened they can’t resurrect the victims without bodies. Reggie says Percival emptied his business of guns. Reggie and Cheryl save Hiram Lodge’s picture before burning Percival’s shop. Cheryl, Heather, and Tabitha close Pop’s Chock’lit Shoppe’s Hellmouth. In response to the passing of Kevin’s father, Moose went back to Riverdale to support him. Veronica discusses Frank’s death with Archie. Archie focuses on combat plans. He seeks to schedule a meeting with Percival. and needs Veronica present to bargain. The Riverdale residents get together to plan their encounter with Percival. The options open for discussion include perhaps giving up their deceased family members, surrendering Percival half of Riverdale, or using their supernatural abilities to assassinate Percival.

Tabitha tells Archie and Veronica about a hypothetical future where they shoot Percival during a conference. The Ghoulies are mind control Riverdale residents, it’s revealed at the gathering. Archie offers to be Percival’s prisoner to retrieve the bodies. He refuses Veronica’s offer to give him half the town. Veronica’s pistol shoots a flower instead of Percival. Percival gives the group one last chance to surrender; he even hands them the dead bodies. Percival reveals to Twyla he wants to disrupt their plans. Before Cheryl can resuscitate the parents, they find their heads stolen. Without bodily pieces, Cheryl can’t resuscitate anyone. Tabitha asks Jughead to escape before the conflict. Tabitha knew Jughead would reject the offer and stay.

Percival does a ritual to annoy Riverdale. Tabitha senses a Riverdale spirit dying. Bingo attacks Reggie when he’s with Archie. Betty hears a sound and runs downstairs. Jason talks strangely to Cheryl before shooting an arrow. Cheryl burns Jason. Meanwhile, Heather is shot. Cheryl flees. Reggie stabs Archie with Percival’s knife. He keeps stabbing Archie till he suffocates him. Glenn is zombified and attacks Betty. Betty charges Glenn with a chainsaw. Veronica’s grandmother shoots at her with a shotgun. she paralyzes her grandmother to talk. Tabitha helps Archie. Veronica’s grandmother is back to normal. she doesn’t recall feeling violent. Bingo treated Archie’s wounds. Polly visited Betty. Betty dismembered zombie Glenn. Reggie says he thought about Percival while thinking about his father.

Toni wants Tabitha to age Baby Anthony so he can defeat Percival. her talent age is Baby Anthony. Fangs take the Southside Serpents to the hideout. Tabitha knows the Babylonium battle is one way the group defeated Percival. Tabitha calls on universes to fight. Percival tells Twyla that the new Ghoulies and she are his shields. Serpents invade Babylonium and fight Ghoulies. Anthony isn’t killed by Percival’s gunfire. Percival escapes Anthony’s attack. Percival’s spell kept everyone within. Cheryl alerts Archie about Bailey’s Comet. Tabitha’s time powers helped repair the eatery. Outside the diner, Archie and Percival argue. Percival gets distracted by the group, which defeats him. Percival resists. He casts a fog spell that weakened everyone. Jughead and Percival fight for Riverdale’s future.

In the end, Percival rips Jughead’s comic book memories in his memory. Jughead discloses the trap to Percival. He utilized his portal skills to take Percival to Rivervale after he was stabbed numerous times. Tabitha and her crew meet Mr. Cypher.  Cypher rips the contract. The contract cancellation kills Percival. They celebrate beating Percival. Heads were found in the fridge. Cheryl resurrects the dead. Heather alerts Cheryl about the comet and shows her the telescope. Tabitha wonders how Jughead survived the fixed point. She blames Rivervale. Town members reunite and clean up. Cheryl and Heather warn everyone that Bailey’s Comet would smash into Riverdale. Percival changed the comet’s course. Tabitha knows a comet will destroy the town.

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Olivia Wilson
Olivia Wilsonhttps://www.tvacute.com/
Olivia Wilson is the senior news writer for TV Acute. She spends too much money on collectables and is enamored with movies, comics, and television series. She loves binge-watching and can spend hours talking about movies and TV shows. She can immerse herself into a good story no matter the genre or form and only come out from it when she's had her fill. When she's not writing, she's probably cooking or exploring new places. You can follow her daily exploits on Twitter and Facebook.

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