In the sixth season of “SEAL Team,” Jason Hayes (played by David Boreanaz) will guide his team on a new mission. The Paramount+ military drama, set for premiere in September, follows an elite group of United States Navy SEALs as they undertake risky missions while juggling their personal lives. The popular CBS drama, which was created by Benjamin Cavell, was a part of the network before transitioning to a streaming service after a few Season 5 episodes. The 10-episode sixth season of the military drama opens with Bravo Team under fire following the ambush in Mali that left Season 5 on a cliffhanger. Whether or not everyone survived is a significant mystery, and viewers of the show are especially worried about what happened to Clay Spenser, who is portrayed by Max Thieriot. he is slated to star in the CBS series “Fire Country” this autumn, which heightens the curiosity. Fans are now eager to discover more about the new episode of SEAL Team. ( Here’s all you need to know about SEAL Team Season 6 Episode 1.
SEAL Team Season 6 Episode 1 Recap
SEAL Team Season 5 Episode 14 Release Date
SEAL Team Season 5 Episode 13 Recap
SEAL Team Season 6 Episode 1 Spoilers
The first episode of season 6 titled “Low Impact,” will continue where the spectacular Season 5 finale left off, with the team trapped down in Mali. The protagonist of the story will be Clay Spenser, aka Bravo 6/6B, who informs Jason that he plans to retire from his illustrious profession in order to spend more time with his family. It would be interesting to see if Clay survives given the grim end that the events in Mali are expected to bring. There is some doubt as to whether Max Thieriot will be able to star in two programs at the same time, despite Clay Spenser having appeared in all of the “SEAL Team” seasons six advance advertising. That query makes the first episode of the show a huge deal.