[Series Finale] Better Call Saul Season 6 Episode 13 Recap; Ending Explained

Fans of “Better Call Saul” have been patiently waiting for this day for more years. the time when our story of Jimmy McGill-turned-Saul Goodman-turned-Gene Takavic finally comes to a conclusion. Well, folks, we’ve finally made it – the moment “Better Call Saul” fans have been waiting for – The end of an era. After our protagonist’s most recent con victim, Marion, who was played by the incomparable Carol Burnett, found out the truth about his fabrications, the last time we saw him in the penultimate episode, he was trying to get away from the situation. Now, he is on the run while the authorities launch a search for him, which is quite similar to the situation that Walter White was in during the last days of “Breaking Bad.” Kim (Rea Seehorn), on the other hand, has felt her remorse close the gap with her, and she sobbed on the bus ride home after turning in a manifesto to the district attorney in the area, as well as to Howard’s widow, in which she disclosed the truth. On the other hand, her interaction with Jimmy is virtually nonexistent. let’s finally get into the series finale, which was written and directed by none other than the co-creator of the series as well as the showrunner himself, Peter Gould, and was aptly titled “Saul Gone.” (tvacute.com) Here is all the information you require on the conclusion of the Better Call Saul series finale

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Better Call Saul Season 6 Episode 13 Recap

 Better Call Saul Season 6 Episode 13 Recap

The final episode of “Better Call Saul” begins with yet another flashback, but this time it’s not that distant from the past. No, just go back to episode five of season five titled “Bagman,” when Jimmy (Bob Odenkirk) and Mike (Jonathan Banks)were attempting to saunter out of the desert. Jimmy recommends to Mike that they grab the money $7 million and leave while they are taking a break to get some water, but Mike isn’t having it. Jimmy claims he would use the funds to construct a time machine. Mike wonders, “Where would I time travel to?” He answers first, “December 8th, 2001,” probably the day his son Matt was killed. Then he modifies his response to “March 17th, 1984,” which is the day on which he accepted his first bribe and caused Matt’s death. Additionally, he would travel through time and “see whether they’re doing OK” for a few people. Jimmy would invest in Berkshire Hathaway on the day Warren Buffett seized control of it in order to become extremely wealthy. Mike queries him. Jimmy leaves without responding.

 Better Call Saul Season 6 Episode 13 Recap

When Jeff’s mother Marion (Carol Burnett) uses her Life Alert to alert the police in the Gene timeline, he leaves on foot. When he sees the police outside, he goes home and takes his hidden shoebox before sneaking through a window. He flees, dodging a chopper overhead, and when he sees police approaching, he covers up inside a dumpster. While trying to memorize the precise phrase for the Hoover adaptor, he opens the shoebox and takes Ed the disappearer’s business card. He then tries to unlock his diamond stockpile but ends up dumping them all over the dumpster floor.

He comes out of the dumpster after the police discover him there with his hands up. He uses his one call at the police station to call a Cinnabon employee and inform her that “you’re going to need a new management.” He sees a note written on the wall. he is cursing himself in his cell. He jumps to his feet while laughing uncontrollably and demands another phone call.

 Better Call Saul Season 6 Episode 13 Recap

He calls Bill Oakley (Peter Diseth), his old friend, and offers to appoint him his “advisory counsel.” What do you think the outcome will be? Gene responds, “With me on top, like always,” to Bill’s query. Gene is told by the FBI that he is facing a slew of accusations, including conspiracy to trade in drugs and involvement in the murder, which together carry a maximum sentence of life imprisonment + 190 years.

 Better Call Saul Season 6 Episode 13 Recap

DEA agent Hank’s widow Marie Schrader (Betsy Brandt) is present. They grant him 30 years in exchange for his guilty plea, and Marie describes the harm he did and the character of Hank Schrader (Dean Norris) and Hank’s partner, Steve Gomez (Steven Michael Quezada): “You aided the venomous two-faced bastard who was behind it all. what reason? Money. You only did it all for gain. Gene attempts to express his sympathy for Hank by saying, “You and he are victims… and so am I.” Gene begins to tear up about how Walter White (Bryan Cranston) abducted him and attacked him with a gun, claiming that the only reason he represented him was out of fear for his life. He begs, “You are looking at a man who lost everything. “I am alone. I am without. “And you think jurors are going to buy that?” the federal prosecutor mocks. “All I need is one,” grins Gene.

Better Call Saul Season 6 Episode 13 Recap

He warns them that juries can be unpredictable and inquires as to whether they have “wiggle room” to bargain. Marie is appalled, but the government reluctantly cooperates with Gene and Bill to drop a number of accusations and reduce his sentence to a meager seven years. Even choosing his prison, a luxurious one in North Carolina, Gene is adamant: Also insistent on being housed in the same luxurious federal facility as Bernie Madoff. While inside, a cocky Gene pushes his luck and requests a pint of quality ice cream every day in exchange for further information on Howard’s passing. The feds, however, cut him off, reminding him that Kim had already disclosed all of Howard’s information: “Sounds like you and your ex aren’t conversing on a daily basis.” Gene is dumbfounded.

Better Call Saul Season 6 Episode 13 Recap

Another flashback occurs, this time to when Jimmy, now in full Saul Goodman form, and Walter White were hiding out in the vacuum repair shop’s basement. while Saul and Walter White wait for Ed to retrieve them from the “Granite State” episode of Breaking Bad. When Jimmy asks Walt the same subject, Walt responds angrily since he doesn’t believe time travel is conceivable.

 Better Call Saul Season 6 Episode 13 Recap

But in the end, Walt focuses on Saul speaking about remorse rather than time travel. Would you change something you regret if you had a time machine? Walt explains Gray Matter to him, blaming his pals for “artfully manipulating me into leaving my own creation” and regretting how wealthy he would have been if he’d stayed. Saul claims he would go back to the day when he was 22 and seriously injured himself after slipping and falling outside of a department store: “My knee’s never been the same.” To himself, Walter giggles, “So you were always like this.”

Gene questions Bill on the flight back to Albuquerque about what will happen to Kim at this point. According to Bill, the D.A. probably won’t press charges; however, Cheryl Hamlin (Sandrine Holt), Howard’s widow, is suing her in civil court. Gene then agrees to provide the federal authorities with even more information about Howard than Kim did, despite Bill’s warnings that doing so might jeopardize Kim’s civil case. Gene disagrees, saying, “It’s pretty wonderful ice cream.”

Better Call Saul Season 6 Episode 13 Recap

Kim receives a call from Suzanne Ericsen (Julie Pearl), who informs her that Saul has been detained and is being extradited to New Mexico: “He’s giving testimony that impacts you, personally.” Suzanne is a volunteer for a free legal aid organization in Florida.

And then the moment arrives: Saul Goodman enters an Albuquerque courtroom without a mustache and donning a sharp suit. Kim is there, sitting in the back with jittery feet. The judge is startled to see Saul receiving such a light sentence for his crimes as the hearing gets underway. Saul Goodman starts working right here. It’s showtime, he adds just before court begins.

[Series Finale] Better Call Saul Season 6 Episode 13 Recap; Ending Explained

So when Gene/Saul/Jimmy makes an appearance for his hearing while wearing a nice Saul Goodman suit, Kim is present in the courtroom gazing and silently telling himself, “It’s showtime.” Marie and Blanca, Gomez’s widow, are also present. When the judge questions why the authorities are giving him such a light sentence, Gene tries to explain. Taking the microphone, Saul begins his usual sob story about being forced to work for Walter White—the same one he had told Marie and the authorities. But eventually, the truth is revealed. He acknowledges that he seized the chance to get rich when it presented itself. He asserts, “Walter White couldn’t have done it without me.” That evening, I recognized an opening. He veers off topic and says he was a part of creating Walt’s drug empire. The judge swears him in under oath after warning him that he is opposing his testimony.

[Series Finale] Better Call Saul Season 6 Episode 13 Recap; Ending Explained

He goes one step farther and says Kim is not responsible for Howard’s passing, adding: “Kim was brave enough to try again. I, however, am the one who fled.” Finally, he admits to having offended his long-dead brother Chuck. That wasn’t a crime, as Bill points out, but Saul feels it was. Then he maintains that he is now Jimmy McGill and not Saul Goodman. Jimmy and Saul are staring at each other across the room as chaos breaks out in the court. I held my breath at this point since I believed the show was about to finish. There was, however, more to come. “What happened to Howard Hamlin, it was…,” he continues as he turns to face Kim from behind. I am powerless. He breaks down in tears as he says, “I’m the one who ran away,” before praising Kim for beginning afresh.

Better Call Saul Season 6 Episode 13 Recap

As the courtroom’s departure sign beeps above, he takes up his brother Chuck (Michael McKean) again, calling him “the most talented lawyer I ever encountered” and criticizing himself for not doing more to assist him. “Instead, when I saw an opportunity to injure him, I seized it.” He says that he is to blame for eliminating “the one thing he lived for: the law.” He then committed suicide. And I’ll live with it, he adds melancholy before resuming his seat. Gene argues that it was a crime, despite Bill’s efforts to convince him otherwise: “Yeah, it was.” Additionally, Gene-slash-Saul informs them that he prefers to go by Jimmy McGill. While the attorneys disagree about whether to once again give him the maximum sentence, he turns around to face Kim once more.

Better Call Saul Season 6 Episode 13 Recap

The amount that has occurred on “Better Call Saul” is startling. Chuck, Jimmy’s brother, was a significant character and enemy when the show first started. It seems like a very, very long time has passed since Chuck passed away, but he is finally dead. Therefore, it is all the more startling when he reappears here in another flashback. The two brothers try to get close to one another at this time, but they are eventually unsuccessful. Jimmy is overly protective, and Chuck is too prickly.  Talking of Chuck, in our third flashback, we see the two of them at the moment of the first episode of the show, Jimmy giving him groceries and informing him about his side business. Chuck hands him a book of H.G. Wells’s The Time Machine and advises him. “If you don’t like where you’re going, there’s no shame in going back and changing your course.” These brief flashbacks serve as Jimmy’s time machine, taking him back to the situations he wishes had gone differently.

Things finally come to a conclusion in the only possible manner. Jimmy McGill enters prison, but it’s not the posh Bernie Madoff prison, after confessing to his numerous misdeeds and blowing up his contract. Though he tries to tell him his name is McGill after one of the other inmates recognizes him as Saul Goodman, word quickly gets around, and soon the entire bus of inmates is yelling “Better call Saul!” At this, Jimmy permits himself a small smile.

Better Call Saul Season 6 Episode 13 Recap

In the end, Jimmy receives a visit from his lawyer. A guard informs him that his lawyer is waiting for him while he is making food in prison, much like he used to do at Cinnabon. Jimmy enters the interview room in search of… Kim! (it is unknown how much time has elapsed).

Better Call Saul Season 6 Episode 13 Recap

She has the guard release Jimmy from his handcuffs while they smoke together and lean against the wall, much like they used to do during the glory days of the HHM parking garage. She remarks admiringly, “You had them down to seven years,” and now that he has confessed, he has been given an 86-year sentence. He smiles, “But with good behavior, who knows.”

Better Call Saul Season 6 Episode 13 Recap

Powerful pictures are used to conclude the show. Kim is leaving the prison and making her way to her car when she spots Jimmy hiding behind a fence separating a courtyard. As Kim watches him from behind her own fence, he shoots at her with his finger guns in a knowing nod that they both get.

Better Call Saul Season 6 Episode 13 Recap

Here is a wide shot of the two of them, divided by fences, a great distance, the universe, and all of eternity. And when Kim eventually turns to leave, Jimmy is permanently hidden from view as the camera moves, moving in front of a large object.

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Olivia Wilson
Olivia Wilsonhttps://www.tvacute.com/
Olivia Wilson is the senior news writer for TV Acute. She spends too much money on collectables and is enamored with movies, comics, and television series. She loves binge-watching and can spend hours talking about movies and TV shows. She can immerse herself into a good story no matter the genre or form and only come out from it when she's had her fill. When she's not writing, she's probably cooking or exploring new places. You can follow her daily exploits on Twitter and Facebook.

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