The criminal thriller Snowfall, which was co-created, directed, and executive produced by the late John Singleton in 2017, depicts Los Angeles’ first crack epidemic in the early 1980s and stars British actor Damson Idris as Franklin. Snowfall, FX’s most-watched series in 2021, is getting closer to the start of its fifth season and has released the first look at the highly anticipated franchise with an official trailer this past Wednesday. If you’re looking for more information about Snowfall season 5. we’ve got you covered! Take a look at below…
Snowfall Season 5 depicts Franklin’s family at the pinnacle of their success before things go wrong, as greed, bitterness, and ego threaten the family’s foundation from within. watch the new teaser below.
Snowfall Season 5 Episode 4 Release Date
Snowfall Season 5 Episode 1 “Comets”
Synopsis – It’s the summer of 1986 and the Saint crew has leveled up. Franklin’s personal and professional relationships are flourishing, but a problem in the valley brings trouble to his door. Written by Dave Andron and Leonard Chang; directed by Ben Younger.
Snowfall Season 5 Episode 2 “Commitment”
Synopsis– Teddy forces his way back into the C.I.A.’s operation in Los Angeles. Franklin and Veronique have a business proposition for Jerome and Louie. Written by Leonard Chang and Dave Andron; directed by Ben Younger.
Snowfall Season 5 Plot
The forthcoming season description reads: “The streets of South Central Los Angeles never have been so dangerous as the Saint family navigates the police, the warring gangs, and the CIA. Amidst all of this, the biggest threat the family faces is one another as they try not to let greed, resentment, and ego tear them all apart.”
Snowfall Season 5 Release Date
The first two episodes of the critically praised drama will air on FX on February 23 and will be available on Hulu the following day. Snowfall’s first four seasons are also available to watch on Hulu.