Snowpiercer Season 3 Episode 10 Recap – Who dies in the Snowpiercer Season 3 Finale?

Welcome back! Snowpiercer Fans, We’ve arrived at the season finale, and in the finale episode titled “The Original Sinners,” everything comes crashing down. The finale episode was a fast-paced, action-packed thriller with intriguing story twists, plenty of romance, and character dynamics. Snowpiercer Season 3 finale sets the tone for an exciting and engrossing fourth season. Bess and Audrey were given a huge and touching romantic scene in the play, ensuring that this great LGBT pair had a happy ending. The reunion of Josie and Layton is also satisfying. Until three months later Snowpiercer Season 3 ends on a wonderful note. Let’s read the full recap of Snowpiercer Season 3 finale episode 10.

Melanie (Jennifer Connelly) opens the show by providing narration in the season finale episode. Melanie, Layton, and Wilford are leading the charge in a conflict that is building on the horizon. Given Layton and Melanie’s tumultuous history. Javi (Roberto Urbina) is asked if he’s ready to play “the bad guys” by Melanie. Javi, on the other hand, believes that because Melanie exposed Layton’s deception, the majority of Snowpiercer will rally around her. Audrey (Lena Hall) is engrossed in her piano playing in the Night Car. Despite Audrey’s exclusion from the Night Car, Osweiller (Sam Otto) dashes inside, mostly undisturbed by her presence. Even though she claims to be on the good side now, he assumes she’s still on Team Wilford.

To ecstatic applause, Dr. Headwood (Sakina Jaffrey) guides none other than Boki (Aleks Paunovic) down the stairs. Boki was converted into the next Icy Bob by Headwood. Audrey and Osweiller are caught in a bind. Ruth (Alison Wright) is persuaded to join Team Science by Melanie. Melanie replies that the science does not justify the travel to New Eden, and Ruth claims that Melanie killed the passengers’ collective optimism. While Layton and Zarah (Sheila Vand) examine their situation, Ben (Iddo Goldberg) drives Big Alice. In Big Alice, Zarah leaves Liana with Ben. Oz tracks down the Tailies in Ag-Sec and notifies them that Wilford has stolen the Night Car and is in possession of Icy Boki. Till is adamant that Audrey has returned to Wilford.

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Audrey is resuming her old position by Wilford’s side. Zarah approaches Wilford to reaffirm her and Liana’s safety. Ag-Sec has been taken by the Tail, according to Ruth. Melanie considers forming an alliance with Wilford in order to win. At that point, Ruth leaves her side. The Wilfordites are attempting to make icy Boki shudder in the Night Car. He appears to have become pain-insensitive, as he has no sensation.

Melanie is urged by Alex (Rowan Blanchard) to speak with Layton before things get out of hand. As a result, Melanie and Ruth meet with Layton and Bess in a private location away from inquisitive eyes. Melanie pleads with Layton and Bess one last time to see reason and logic, while Layton and Bess remind her that she does not have the military numbers. Unfortunately, both teams have reached a point of no return. The Tailies, Bess, Layton,  and Josie then prepare for battle, arming themselves with improvised weapons and shields. The strategy is to take over AG-SEC. Wilford has taken over the Night Car, as Osweiller informs Layton and Bess. Bess discovers Audrey is locked there, but Layton is unaware of their relationship.

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Zarah meets with Wilford in the meanwhile to assure the safety of newborn Liana. Melanie and Wilford later discuss the possibility of forming an alliance, but Melanie has some conditions. Wilford will have to retire as an engineer, and Melanie will take over as Head Engineer. After all, Snowpiercer is Melanie’s train. Roche has a meeting with Melanie and Wilford to discuss the next steps. Melanie wants to avoid bloodshed and violence, so she believes Roche and the brakemen in AG-SEC should act as a deterrent to Layton and his crew. Roche then tries to persuade Layton out of the increasing tensions, but Layton is dead set on fighting for those who want a better life. Melanie joins Alex in the engine, despite the fact that Alex is still enraged with her mother.

Ruth and Lights send Layton a note saying they’re ready for the next step. Punching their way through the brakemen, according to Layton, will not bring positive outcomes. As a result, he dials Melanie’s number to speak with her. He confesses that they’re too proud to accept their flaws, while Melanie and Layton are open to discussing concessions. Audrey refuses to play the piano in the Night Car when Wilford orders her to. Melanie informs him that Layton will not relinquish power, therefore they must devise a new strategy.

Melanie and Wilford meet up with Zarah so that she can pick up Liana. They make their way into Melanie’s track scaler’s automobile. Melanie closes the door, hiding away from Boki, while Layton appears behind Wilford. Ruth, armed only with a shovel, tries to combat Boki, but Icy Bob 2.0 is a strong opponent. Ruth entices Boki to flee through the corridors. Finally, Ruth and Lights open a ceiling door, knocking Boki unconscious. Meanwhile, Layton is brandishing a firearm at Wilford. Audrey and Bess are also present. Wilford is like a rodent trapped in a cage. Melanie and Layton laid the foundation for this expedition, intending to corner Wilford and permanently remove him from Snowpiercer. As a result, Wilford goes inside the track scaler, while Audrey triumphantly shuts the door on her former lover/abuser. Ben drops Wilford’s track scaler onto the tracks, and we witness it accelerate away.

The passengers are then given a hopeful address by Layton and Melanie. They disclose that everyone has a choice: stay aboard the train with Melanie or leave Snowpiercer with Layton for New Eden. Melanie promises that, unlike her former administration, equality will reign supreme, and all resources will be shared equally. In six hours, Big Alice and Snowpiercer will be separated. This scenario exemplifies how far Layton and Melanie’s relationship has progressed. It’s amazing to witness how much mutual respect and affection they have for each other. Audrey, meantime, informs Bess that she wants to remain on the train and return to the Night Car. She believes this is the best way for her to help others.

Bess, on the other hand, yearns for a life beyond Snowpiercer and has made arrangements to travel to New Eden. Bess approaches Roche’s door and embraces him, tears streaming over her cheeks. Roche gives a hug to someone he considers a second daughter. Carly (Esther Li) is preparing for Big Alice, and Bess says she’ll be leaving the train as well. Melanie pays a visit to Ben. He’s willing to ride the train with her, but only if the relationship is entirely reciprocated. She concurs. They exchange kisses. Miles resolves to stay on the train with Melanie and Ben to learn from them. He says his goodbyes to Layton and Josie. Josie and Layton rekindle their friendship. Miles (Jaylin Fletcher) wishes to stay onboard Snowpiercer to learn more about engineering from Melanie and Ben, so Josie and Layton bid him farewell.

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When Oz walks by to join the New Eden train, LJ is enraged and pouting in the Market. He suggests he can accompany him, but she insists on staying on the train. He bids her farewell with a kiss. Later, when parting farewell, Alex and Melanie share an emotional mother-daughter moment. Melanie prepares Alex’s bags for her, including plenty of socks and the jacket she wore to survive. They forgive each other after clearing the air between them. Tristan receives the Hospitality torch from Ruth (Ian Collins). He takes the position enthusiastically and informs the train that Big Alice will depart for New Eden in a few minutes. The Tailies begin their shout and beat as the train begins to separate.

Layton and Melanie then bid their final goodbyes. Layton promises to keep an eye on Alex while Melanie and Ben look after Miles. Bess makes a last-minute choice to transfer over to Snowpiercer to stay with Audrey before the trains separate. She swiftly embraces her closest friend and jumps into the arms of her love when Layton encourages her to follow her heart. Melanie, on the other hand, is crying as she blows a kiss at Alex. The train splits in half, with the Big Alice-pushed part heading for the Horn of Africa.

Snowpiercer Season 3 Finale – LJ dies

We witness Big Alice break from Snowpiercer and follow a different road as Javi and Ben say their goodbyes. LJ sobs alone in a corner in third grade. She pulls her father’s eyeball out of his pocket and shoves it into her mouth. After someone accidentally bumps into LJ, she starts choking on it, but no one else is present to aid her. LJ dies alone on the third-class market floor. She choked on her father’s artificial eyeball. In the end, her survivalist mindset and harshness weren’t enough to save her.

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Snowpiercer Season 3 Episode 10 Ending

Later, while traveling to New Eden, Big Alice encounters turbulence. Roche, Josie, Boki, Dr. Headwood, Carly, Ruth, Osweiller, and Sykes (Chelsea Harris) are all bracing for the hit. Audrey sings in the Night Car for the first time in months on Snowpiercer, while Bess happily observes from afar. The train’s strong shaking becomes too much for Layton and Zarah, so they burrow down with baby Liana. Finally, the nerve-wracking turbulence stops, and the train comes to a complete stop. Outside, the sky brightens immediately, and Alex notices a rise in temperature. It’s -10 degrees outside, and it’s getting colder.

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As a result, everyone disembarks from the train and walks onto watery land. The light shines brightly, and the surrounding area isn’t completely obscured by snow and ice. Ruth and Javi enjoy the sun on their skin while Layton and Josie kiss, Roche and Carly cuddle, and Ruth and Javi enjoy the sun on their skin. Melanie scribbles in a diary three months later while seated in the engine room’s driver’s seat. She notices what seems to be a flash shooting upward all of a sudden. However, as we get closer, we notice debris falling from the explosion. It almost appears like a rocket’s debris. Whatever the case may be, Snowpiercer knows something is wrong.

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Olivia Wilson
Olivia Wilson
Olivia Wilson is the senior news writer for TV Acute. She spends too much money on collectables and is enamored with movies, comics, and television series. She loves binge-watching and can spend hours talking about movies and TV shows. She can immerse herself into a good story no matter the genre or form and only come out from it when she's had her fill. When she's not writing, she's probably cooking or exploring new places. You can follow her daily exploits on Twitter and Facebook.

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