Netflix‘s drama series, “Boy Swallows Universe” follows Eli, a young protagonist, through his turbulent journey. The show, which is based on Trent Dalton’s book, shows the ups and downs of Eli’s life, with problems like a drug-addicted mother and a drug-dealing dad. In the exciting story, one character, Caitlyn (played by Sophie Wilde), stands out. As a reporter for the Courier Mail, Caitlyn plays a key part in Eli’s search for a future job.  There is an interesting question of whether Caitlyn played by Sophie Wilde in “Boy Swallows Universe,” gets ideas from Trent Dalton’s real life, especially his relationship with his wife Fiona Franzmann. tvacute looks into this interesting link in more detail.
Where was Netflix’s Boy Swallows Universe filmed?
Is Sophie Wilde’s Caitlyn based on Trent’s Wife?
In real life, Dalton and Fiona’s love story is very sweet. He met Fiona when he started working as a reporter for Brisbane News magazine. Fiona was already well-known in her field. Fiona helped Dalton grow outside of work by reviewing his work from time to time and giving him good advice. She even told him she didn’t like how he used apostrophes.
Dalton fell in love with Fiona right away and agreed with her ideas about settling down, even though he still had feelings he hadn’t told her about. A big part of their journey happened at a Powderfinger show, where Dalton took the chance to impress Fiona. As a result? A signed picture with a message from Bernard Fanning letting Fiona know that he feels the same way. Fiona Franzmann has been married to Dalton for about thirty years.
There are some similarities between Dalton and Fiona’s real-life relationship and Eli’s crush on Caitlyn, but it’s important to remember that the series takes some creative license. Trent Dalton skillfully incorporates parts of his own life into “Boy Swallows Universe.” Dalton makes it clear that Eli’s crush on Caitlyn as a teenager is made up, unlike his early feelings for Fiona. This clarification makes the difference between truth and fiction clearer, which supports the idea that the show has complete freedom in creating its characters.
Boy Swallows Universe: Is Robert (Simon Baker) Based on a Real Person?