Station 19 Season 5 Episode 17 – Meet Jack’s brother

Station 19 Season 5 Episode 17 will release on May 12, 2021, at (8:00-9:00 p.m. EDT) on ABC. .  Jack and Andy’s (Jaina Lee Ortiz) visit to Jack’s brother (Grey Damon) , the other firefighters assist patients in the field. we may learn good news about Andy’s court case.

Station 19 Season 5 Episode 16 is one of the best episodes of the show so far. Jason George made his directorial debut on the series with this episode. There could not be a better time for Andy to have Elena back because he needs her now. we see Andy’s strength and triumph.   Read the recap below. Let’s move ahead, So, here’s Everything we know about Station 19 season 5 new episode 17 so far, including the release date and promo which can be found at

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Station 19 Season 5 Episode 17 Recap

Station 19 Season 5 Episode 17 Spoilers

“The Road You Didn’t Take” is the title of the episode, and it’s going to be full of drama. Remember that this is the penultimate episode of the season. Everything that happens in this episode will almost surely lead to the conclusion. In the upcoming episode, Ben and Travis will be doing their best to aid a patient, Vic and Theo will be dealing with a tricky scenario, and we may learn more about Andy’s court case.

There’s been a lot of difficult stuff in the last few months. We had Dean’s death first, and now Andy is still barred from working as a fireman because she fought back against another firefighter’s sexual assault in episode 14. After Andy defended herself, the man died. For his death, she is currently on trial for manslaughter. In the preview, Andy receives some good news. Andy receives a critical phone call from her lawyer. The lawyer tells “They have agreed to allow your colleagues to testify.”

Station 19 Season 5 Episode 17 Promo

From the genetic testing he conducted before becoming Maya and Carina’s donor, Jack (Grey Damon) learned he has a brother. According to the promo, Jack tells Andy that he donated sperm for Maya’s (Danielle Savre) and Carina’s (Stefania Spampinato) kid.

In the trailer for Station 19 Season 5 Episode 17, Although this is significant news, the reason they are in the car together is perhaps more significant. Jack and Andy ascend the steps to a house. Together, they meet Jack’s brother (TNT’s Animal Kingdom Grant Harvey). While the other firefighters assist patients in the field, Andy Herrera offers him support.  we will have to wait for what might be an emotional and startling finale to the season. from there, it will almost certainly lead to the sixth season.

Station 19 Episode 5.17 Synopsis: Vic and Theo respond to a domestic disturbance between the parents of a transgender teenager; Jack learns shocking new details about his childhood; Ben and Travis help a clinic patient that’s long overdue for medical treatment.

Where to Watch Station 19 Season 5 Episode 17 Release Date

‘Station 19′ Season 5 Episode 17 will release on May 12, 2021, at (8:00-9:00 p.m. EDT) on ABC. The episodes are 42-43 minutes long each.  Subscribers to Hulu can watch the show online or live to stream it on Hulu+Live TV. the show is available on Fubo TV, DirecTV, YouTube TV, and Xfinity, among other platforms. You can also buy or rent episodes on Vudu, iTunes, Amazon Prime Video, Google Play, and Microsoft Store.

Station 19 Season 5 Episode 17 Photos

Station 19 Season 5 Episode 16 Recap

A female firefighter was claimed to have killed a fellow firefighter in articles and the media. She is swept up by the negative comments made about her. She gets a place to live. Vic is staying with her for a few days till she settles in and stops reading the gloom. Andy is given a trial date and is released on high bail, with Jack waiting to pick her up.  Many scenes with Andy and Ross were among them. Some of the car scenes were almost claustrophobic or even dark because Andy and Ross had different ideas about how to fight sexism at work. Andy is still unsure if Theo will be assigned to 19 when she arrives. They’re irritated that Dixon is now the mayor of the city, promising to clean it up and improve it. Carina and Maya are both extremely concerned that Carina may become pregnant today. Jack arrives with flowers and plans to stay for the entire procedure. As punishment for reporting him, Beckett has Sullivan working on all the menial duties. Andy’s mother appears at the station, attempting to contact Andy, which surprises Sullivan and Vic. Andy and Ross discuss sexism on their way to the top and have opposing viewpoints.

Andy, on the other hand, is still unsure how everything would affect her future. Travis is furious about Dixon’s candidacy for mayor and intends to take action. Carina and Maya awkwardly place Jack in the room where he will concentrate on producing the sperm sample, while they prepare Carina for reception in the next room. Jack receives a notification from the genetic testing that he has a brother. It’s a full match, which means both of his parents had the child, and he’s completely overwhelmed. Carina becomes irritated and announces that they are rescheduling because everyone is distracted.   They are called to a factory fire. The room is cleared, and 19 locates a security guard. The building’s owner freaks out and orders them to put out the fire, claiming that no one else is in the building, but they learn through the security officer that it’s a sweatshop with people in another room. They discover a group of women in the room who are on the verge of death. While Dixon is conversing and shaking hands with the owner, they talk to Travis about how the man took their passports and has been holding them captive for years.

When Travis tells Ross what’s going on, Dixon goes off on him, and when Dixon tries to cover for the shop owner, Travis is escorted away to calm down. Andy rants to Ross about how the entire system is faulty, that everyone else is the problem, not her, and that she’s tired of being told that she should be glad because she’s a woman of color because she gets less than she deserves. Carina tears and becomes hormonal, spilling Jack’s sperm, but she chooses to go ahead with everything that day because they’re all family. Andy’s speech has an impact on Ross, who tells Sullivan to stop telling her things and give her space to do her job while maintaining boundaries. Andy returns home to find her mother waiting for her. She sobs and cries in her arms. They recommend Travis running against Dixon. Andy expresses gratitude to her mother for allowing her to learn self-defense. Her mother claims that it happened to her while she was at the school, but that she had no one to support her at the time. In the kitchen, they dance it out.

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Olivia Wilson
Olivia Wilson
Olivia Wilson is the senior news writer for TV Acute. She spends too much money on collectables and is enamored with movies, comics, and television series. She loves binge-watching and can spend hours talking about movies and TV shows. She can immerse herself into a good story no matter the genre or form and only come out from it when she's had her fill. When she's not writing, she's probably cooking or exploring new places. You can follow her daily exploits on Twitter and Facebook.

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