In “The Afterparty,” a compelling television series by Christopher Miller, viewers follow Detective Danner (Tiffany Haddish) as she solves the mystery surrounding the murder of a well-known pop artist. The brilliant ensemble of the Apple TV+ show expertly brings to life a variety of funny settings and outrageous moments. Let’s examine “The Afterparty”‘s climax and see if Detective Danner is successful in learning the truth. Who Killed Xavier? and Why??  ( Here is all you need to know about the conclusion of “The Afterparty” Season 1.
“The Afterparty” Season 1 Finale: Who Killed Xavier?
In “The Afterparty” Season 1, the high school reunion takes a dark turn when Xavier (Dave Franco), a famous pop star, is pushed from a balcony, leading to suspicion among the attendees. Detective Danner assumes control of the investigation and piece together the facts using the suspects’ statements. Each character’s hidden goals and reasons for attending the party are made clear. In defiance of orders to just take statements, Danner undertakes an inquiry to establish her credibility and expose discrimination in her office.
One of the attendees, Chelsea, seeks retribution on Xavier for wrecking her life by making a false claim that they were once together at a party. Chelsea had intended to poison Xavier with a cat tranquilizer and embarrass him online, but she suddenly changes her mind.
Another participant, Aniq Adjaye, holds grudges against Xavier for accusing him in the past, costing him his scholarship and the girl he adored. When Detective Danner accuses them of the murder, Aniq stands behind Zoe’s ex-husband Brett (Ike Barinholtz), and says he thinks the murderer is hiding in a closet. Eventually, it is revealed that Xavier’s old bandmate and Aniq’s best friend Yasper Lennov (Ben Schwartz) killed him because he was jealous of him and wanted recognition. Yasper admits his guilt, saying that he believed Xavier didn’t deserve to succeed. Before her adversary, Aldrin Germain, arrives on the scene, Detective Danner takes Yasper into custody.
Several characters receive resolution at the climax, including Danner demonstrating her competence and Aniq and Aniq’s high school crush and Brett’s ex-wife Zoe Zhu (ZoĂ« Chao) making up. New mysteries could emerge in the future, and Aniq and Zoe might become involved in another unsolved murder.