American crime drama The Equalizer was written by Andrew W. Marlowe and Terri Edda Miller. The popular show, which originally aired in the 1980s, has actually been revived twice. A third film in the series, following 2014 original and the 2018 sequel both starring Denzel Washington as the title character, is in the works. However, from the time the CBS series premiered in 2021 until the present day, Queen Latifah has dominated the screen, making the show ratings and financial success for CBS. Take this into account as you wait for the thirteenth episode of The Equalizer’s third season. If you want more information on The Equalizer Season 3 Episode 13, visit ( Check out the details down here.
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The Equalizer Season 3 Episode 13:
In Episode 13 titled “Patriot Game” of Season, 3 of “The Equalizer,” McCall and the rest of the team have the responsibility of uncovering the truth about a case that involves a rogue CIA agent. A member of the intelligence community travels to the location where a marine biology unit is doing research for a mission. Once that operative eliminates all of the researchers with the exception of one, McCall and the team are tasked with determining what occurred and why it occurred. Because of this, they ended up working together with Colton Fisk (Donal Logue).
The Equalizer Episode 313 Synopsis: After an operative kills all but one of the employees at a marine biology research group, McCall and the team join forces with Colton Fisk when they discover a connection between the murders and a secret CIA programme he was involved in.
 The Equalizer Season 3 Episode 13 Release Date
The Equalizer Season 3 Episode 13 will release on Sunday, March 26, 2023, at 8:30/7:30c, 8/PT on the CBS Television Network. The Equalizer is also available to stream on the Paramount+ service, which is operated by CBS. Before having to pay the $5.99 a month for the service, you get the opportunity to watch The Equalizer for free for the first week. The Equalizer can be viewed on the go with a number of different streaming providers, including YouTube TV, Hulu + Live TV, and fuboTV, among others. Sundays will continue to be the day on which the show’s final few episodes are broadcast.
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