The Flash Season 8 Episode 14: Flash Team Deals with Frost’s Death

The release date for The CW’s superhero series The Flash season 8, episode 14 is on  May 11, 2022.  The Flash will deal with Frost’s death in this episode, which looks to be quite upsetting.

Team Flash is stuck with Deathstorm, and not everyone makes it out alive. Iris, Joe, and Sue join Team Flash at S.T.A.R. Labs to mourn Frost’s death, honoring her as a true hero in the face of Deathstorm while being rattled to their core by the sudden loss of their comrade.  How did everything turn out? Read the recap below.  Do you want to know what happened on The Flash this week?   What you need to know before starting The Flash Season 8 Episode 14 is all about In order to mentally prepare for the upcoming episode of the flash.

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The Flash Season 8 Episode 14 Recap

Is Frost die in The Flash Season 8 Episode 13?

The Flash Season 8 Episode 14 Spoilers

“Funeral for a Friend” is the title of The Flash season 8, episode 14. It explores the aftermath of Team Flash. Killer Frost (Danielle Panabaker) was killed by Deathstorm and left the rest of Team Flash in mourning. To take their minds off their grief, the survivors go after a bank-robbing Meta. The most recent big evil Deathstorm made it plain that the continuing plot would end in some terrible ways. The trailer follows Team Flash as they cope with the loss of another team member after Frost’s death. There are flashes of a bomber who will most certainly be their villain of the week among the emotions.

The Flash Episode 8.14 Synopsis:  HONOR THE FALLEN – Team Flash uses the distraction of a bank-robbing Meta to detract from the grief of losing someone they love. The series stars Grant Gustin, Jesse L. Martin, Candice Patton, Danielle Panabaker, Danielle Nicolet, Kayla Compton, and Brandon McKnight. Vanessa Parise directed the episode with the story by Jonathan Butler & Gabriel Garza and teleplay by Jeff Hersh.

Where to Watch The Flash Season 8 Episode 14 Release Date

The Flash season 8 has seven episodes left. The Flash Season 8 Episode 14 will release on Wednesday, May 11, 2022, from 8/7con The CW.  You can watch the same episode the following day online on The CW app. If watching “The Flash” Season 8 live on The CW isn’t an option, there are various applications that will stream episodes. The CW is available on Hulu With Live TV, Fubo TV YouTube TV, and AT&T TV. Also available on Amazon Prime Video. The Flash season 8 will be available on Netflix around 8 days after their season finale airs. The show is still available on Netflix in the United States.

The Flash Season 8 Episode 13 Recap

Iris and Sue try to deal with Eddie in Coast City, while Team Flash returns to S.T.A.R labs to deal with Deathstorm. Deathstorm begins to hunt down every member of Team Flash, as he requires more raw energy to complete his transformation. Deathstorm takes on Frost as the Team faces the very difficult task of confronting those they’ve lost. Frost is mocked by Deathstorm, who calls her an echo of a human because she can’t express the same level of raw pain that he can. Deathstorm trapped everyone in visions of their deceased loved ones and heats up the walls, preventing them from fleeing, all while feeding off their anguish. Meanwhile, Eddie is heating up Sue’s phone in Coast City to prevent her from calling for help. Frost begins to doubt Deathstorm’s assessment of her, but Chillblaine, who has arrived at S.T.A.R labs to help her, reassures her and tries to boost her cold fusion strength. However, the amplification does not work at first, but when Chillblaine reminds Frost that she must allow herself to grieve, she does so and turns into the more powerful Hellfrost. In both Central and Coast City, she uses her new talents to dispel Deathstorm’s visions. Deathstorm was finally defeated by Frost (Danielle Panabaker). However, it came at a high cost, as Frost died at the end of the episode, leaving the team devastated.

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Olivia Wilson
Olivia Wilson
Olivia Wilson is the senior news writer for TV Acute. She spends too much money on collectables and is enamored with movies, comics, and television series. She loves binge-watching and can spend hours talking about movies and TV shows. She can immerse herself into a good story no matter the genre or form and only come out from it when she's had her fill. When she's not writing, she's probably cooking or exploring new places. You can follow her daily exploits on Twitter and Facebook.

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