The popular ABC medical program The Good Doctor is coming back for a seventh season. The story follows Dr. Shaun Murphy, a young genius surgeon who is autistic, as he manages his professional and personal lives. The Good Doctor, for its seventh season, has been met with a series of unexpected developments. Fans of the show have been eagerly awaiting its comeback, but recent news reveals that they will have to exercise patience due to unforeseen release delays. Here’s what are we known.
The Good Doctor has officially been renewed for Season 7 despite these cast changes. However, Season 7’s filming and distribution are probably going to be put off because of the 2023 Writers Guild Strike and potential Screen Actors Guild strikes. There is currently no set premiere date for The Good Doctor on ABC, which has postponed all scripted programming. The possibility exists that Season 7 won’t premiere until 2024.
The Good Doctor Season 7 Cast
Dr. Shaun Murphy will continue to be portrayed by Freddie Highmore, and Lea will once again be played by Paige Spara. Additionally scheduled to reprise their roles are Richard Schiff, Fiona Gubelmann, Christina Chang, Will Yun Lee, Noah Galvin, Bria Henderson, and Chuku Mody.
One noteworthy development is that it’s unlikely that actor Hill Harper, who plays Dr. Marcus Andrews, will return for Season 7. Harper declared his candidacy for the Michigan Senate, raising the possibility that his character might not make an appearance in the upcoming season. Brandon Larracuente, who played Danny and resigned in Season 6, is another member of the cast that has left.
Due to the WGA strike, information on the Season 7 story is limited. The season is anticipated to handle the Season 6 cliffhangers, such as what happened when Drs. Perez and Andrews left the hospital. The influence of a new hospital president and Shaun’s adjustment to fatherhood will probably be key narrative points. These events will alter Shaun’s life and provide him with difficulties, heightening the drama of the following season.