The delicate connection between June and Serena undergoes a dramatic turn after an intensely personal episode. The Handmaid’s Tale Season 5 Episode 7 “No Man’s Land,” opens up precisely where the previous week’s cliffhanger left off, with June (Elisabeth Moss) being forced to drive somewhere by Serena (Yvonne Strahovski), who is holding gun to her head. For a detailed explanation of everything that happened in The Handmaid’s Tale Season 5, Episode 7 Recap continue reading at
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The Handmaid’s Tale Season 5 Episode 7 Recap
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— The Handmaid's Tale (@HandmaidsOnHulu) October 17, 2022
The episode begins with June racing aimlessly down a country road as Serena is aiming a gun directly at her from the backseat. June is frantically trying to figure out what is going on, but Serena simply keeps telling her to keep driving. But because Serena is in excruciating pain, she inadvertently shoots the weapon. That’s the last straw for June, who instantly slams on the brakes and bolts, heading for the woods. June is able to get away from her abductor and hide in the bushes. She observes Serena giving chase and sending her vehicle into a ditch from her vantage point. June is compelled to aid her evil adversary, so she turns around and helps Serena. Serena is screaming in pain as another contraction happens, and she quickly understands that Serena is in the middle of labour. After evaluating the situation with Serena’s gun, June notices a barn out in the distance.
Serena’s intentions have been completely derailed. With Gilead after them and a child on the way, they are now stranded in the desert. The authors have stacked one enormous conundrum on top of another, producing exciting outcomes. In the chilly barn, June thinks back on her previous pregnancies and muses on the one time she gave birth by herself. Serena’s situation hasn’t improved much, but at least she has June this time, even though she can’t bring herself to let June truly assist her.  The next scene, a flashback to the beginning of their relationship, shows the duo acting in a quite different way. the time when June was called Offred. They’re at a Commander’s house for a birthing ritual when Serena introduces a submissive June/Offred as her “new handmaid.” The two exchange knowing smiles as they join the other wives, handmaids, and a preaching Aunt Lydia (Ann Dowd) in the ceremony’s ridiculousness.  June is there to help the handmaid, Ofclarence, while Serena is there to help the wife. The handmaid is being operated on because she is bleeding severely. While in labor, Ofclarence passes away, but the baby lives. The wealthy women enjoy their new baby without regret while the handmaids observe as one of their own is wheeled out.
June rushes off in the present to try to pull the car out of the mud so she can leave this nightmare behind. When June returns to the barn, she gives Serena a blanket and tells her about her own pregnancy’s difficulties, including having to give birth to Nichole all by herself in less-than-ideal circumstances. While still making an effort to console Serena, June appears to derive some enjoyment in watching her struggle through her excruciating contractions. Serena, however, shoos her away while stating June is out to get her and the child. With a barrage of bombs, June storms off and return to the stranded car.
Serena is born naturally, painfully, with June’s help. Even June is enthralled by the birth of such a gorgeous baby boy, and Serena is happy. The two rivals talk about breastfeeding as Serena gives the kid the name Noah. June always had trouble connecting, but Noah does so fast. Serena questions June about why she didn’t kill her at the protest at the Gilead Information Center while caring for Noah. June answers slowly while fighting back tears and then says quietly, “I didn’t want to.” They also question whether the child would turn out to be like his evil father, Fred Waterford, but June reassures Serena once more that the child’s upbringing will trump his father’s DNA. The two adversaries find time to talk about the more important issues now that the melodrama is over. They discuss Noah’s future and Serena questions why June didn’t kill her when she had the chance. They both express hope that Noah won’t end up like his father, Fred, and June acknowledges that she didn’t want to kill Serena.
June emphasizes the necessity of getting to a hospital. They have no access to food or water, and the barn is extremely chilly. In a Toronto hospital, Serena and Noah are being wheeled away while June reassures her that everything will be fine. June places a crucial call, perhaps to Luke, knowing that Serena is in good hands. Later, she goes to see Serena, who is upset about how Noah and her are being treated in an “unnatural” fashion that Gilead would disapprove of due to her doctor’s heavy use of antibiotics and baby formula. June is there for Serena once more, reassuring and soothing her. Serena is also made aware of the fact that she has nowhere to go and believes she is in a metaphorical “No Man’s Land.” She thanks June and extends a hand. June reluctantly accepts the gift.
Luke shows up in the waiting area bearing good news as June returns. Working on the thumb drive that contains the information on Hannah’s wife’s prep school. However, Luke has brought more than just that, as he also appears to have called the immigration authorities. Informing Serena that she lacks the right to the legal representation since she is an undocumented person, they show up with the police to detain her. When she is told that Noah would be placed in a child protection unit, they handcuff her to the hospital bed.
From outside her chamber, June and Luke observe all that is happening. Luke’s eyes are weeping, indicating that he is sympathetic. At least, she knows what it feels like.” however, have June off-guard: “Please, June, don’t let them take my child. Help me, June.” Luke murmurs quietly, “Justice,” as if attempting to convince himself he’s done the right thing, as Serena screams. She acknowledges that they are in charge of her and treat her like a servant. Serena claims she has no hope and wants June to adopt her child so that he can live in safety. June replies with a halting, barely audible “Right.”