The Last of Us Episode 8 Recap [When We Are in Need]

The Last of Us Episode 8 Recap:  The first season of the massively popular show The Last of Us is getting close to its conclusion. Joel (Pedro Pascal), who is still ill, and Ellie (Bella Ramsey), who is in a desperate situation. they are trying to find new trading partners in a community that is led by a teacher-turned-preacher. David may seek to adopt her into his own community. David (Scott Shepherd )claims he is the only one keeping her alive since his people are hellbent on killing her. Ellie opening fire on his troops and setting fire to a community building suggests that she and the mayor do not agree on anything. As is so frequently the case, things are not quite what they appear to be, and in order for our warriors to prevail in this most recent conflict, they may require a special prayer. . ( Here is all you need to know about the conclusion of The Last of us Episode 8, in case you missed any of the exciting moments.

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The Last of Us Episode 8 Recap

The seventh episode “Left Behind” finds Ellie and Joel investigating a Colorado university for the Fireflies, the last known site of the revolutionary faction’s laboratory. Joel is critically hurt when raiders ambush them. In the seventh episode, Ellie takes Joel to a hidden garage in a quiet neighborhood to heal him. Ellie tried to save Joel after a traumatic trip down memory lane.  In the eighth episode, A man in the small riverside hamlet of Silver Lake, Colorado, reads from the Bible inside a dive bar. The words “When we are in need, He shall provide” are written on a banner behind him. The funeral has begun, and many individuals in the church are in tears. Pastor, the deceased man’s daughter wants to know when the funeral will take place so she may start making funeral arrangements. He tells her that they can’t start digging until spring since the earth is too cold.

What a weird coincidence that after the service Pastor David and his trusted aide James ( Troy Baker) talk about how the congregation only has enough food to last for another week. They load up on ammunition and head off for the day. After dribbling water into Joel’s mouth, which seems to be mostly out of it, Ellie chows down on some jerky as if it were her last. She looks at his rifle on the wall, leaves some jerky on the blanket, and promises to return shortly while whispering to him.

Ellie uses the advice Joel provided her to kill a deer from a safe distance. David and James find the game before she does, and she yells at them and points her gun at them; after they drop their guns as she demands, David requests for a few seconds of her time before they leave. He tells her he comes from a big group that’s hungry and offers to swap her some of the meat in exchange. She says she’s part of a large party in order to get a discount on antibiotics, and she acts very confidently during the entire process. David sends James back for two vials of penicillin and a syringe, while Ellie and he settles in by the fire to wait for him. David invites her to come along with them. It turns out that before Outbreak Day, he was a math instructor and now he preaches. In 2017, when the quarantine zone around Pittsburgh was broken, he left and, along the road, gathered the folks who would later become “our flock.”

The harsh winter forced him to send four people to a nearby town to scavenge, but only three returned. He has been very friendly and even warm so far. We then see that James is pointing the gun directly at Ellie from behind. David instructs a befuddled James to put down his weapon and toss the medicine to her as she spins around with her rifle in hand. Indeed, he does. David tells Ellie, “I can protect you,” as she swallows the medications and runs. James is baffled, not knowing why David would have allowed her to leave.

David tells the group that they did, in fact, run across the killer of the dead man at the beginning of the episode back at the village, which a totally not at all strange! meat-based stew is being made. In the morning, he promises, they will track out Ellie and Joel’s hiding spot, “and we’ll bring that man to justice.” David smacked the dead man’s kid in front of her mother because she said she thought Joel and Ellie should die, too.

Ellie comes back to check up on Joel’s festering wound. She does not know where to inject the medication, so she haphazardly does so at the incision site, then she feels his forehead and lies down on the cot next to him with her palm on his chest. Joel’s head tilts slightly in her direction, but he still doesn’t awaken. When he doesn’t improve significantly by morning, she gives him another injection and heads outside, where she encounters David, James, and three other men. She runs back inside and places a knife in Joel’s hand; he is sweating, which is a good sign! but he is still very out of it. She will get the men out of the house while he must try to eliminate anyone who enters the basement. Okay, so the strategy sounds great in theory, but Joel can hardly function.

After firing at the posse, Ellie mounts her horse and rides away. After a short time, James shoots the horse, causing it to fall and sending Ellie crashing to the ground. To contrary David’s commands, James is about to kill her. David storms up and angrily send a few of the guys knocking on doors in search of Joel.

They do track down Joel, but they quickly begin to regret their decision. Whatever was in those vials, I want some. Between that and the adrenaline, Joel went from “gray near-corpse on a soiled mattress” to “able to ambush a guy and stick a knife in his throat” in record time. Two of David’s men end up bloodied and bound with duct tape thanks to him. Joel hears a man go into the place he is living in, waking him up. The man comes down the stairs and discovers Joel’s empty bed, which is stained with blood. Joel sneaks up on the man as he searches, stabs him in the neck, and then tries to stand up as if it took everything he had to accomplish it.

Next, we return to Ellie, whom David has isolated in a cage in the kitchen. David will be there for her as soon as she opens her eyes. David explains to Ellie that he has her locked up because he considers her to be a threat to himself. David seems as if Ellie owes him an apology for telling her that everyone else wants to kill her. When David asks her again, “Eat shit,” is her reply. David explains that while she may not be able to make it without him, he can keep her safe. Ellie, however, claims that she is not alone. After inquiring as to Ellie’s friend’s well-being, David seized upon the look of doubt on her face and offered to be the beginning of a new chapter in her life. David insists that Ellie is indeed on her own if she doesn’t trust him.

While looking for Joel, David’s soldiers stumble upon one of their own unconscious in the snow. The man goes to look into it, and Joel strikes him with the gun’s butt. We return to the house’s interior, where Joel is seen beating a man who is restrained in a chair. Joel takes out his knife and slashes the guy in the leg when he replies he doesn’t know any girls. From this, we might infer that Ellie is still alive and residing at the historic resort of Silver Lake. If the guy can’t locate it, Joel will have him point to it on a map. Then, without warning, he puts an end to their lives.

Behind the butcher block in the kitchen of the steakhouse where Ellie is being held, the young woman notices a human ear lying on the floor. David doesn’t attempt to conceal the fact that his gang is eating humans from her because he knows she already knows. He flatters her by stating she is a natural leader with a violent heart like his, and then he launches into some exposition that makes me very nervous about whoever had him as a teacher in the Prehistoric Era. And now he’s going to start gushing about Cordyceps before asking her to accept the cult and take over as co-leader.

David puts his hand on the bars of the cage and begs her to imagine what they could do together. As Ellie draws forward and places her hand on David’s, he muses on how much further they could go if they shared the reins. As David lays his hand on Ellie’s, he tells her to picture the future they could have together. Ellie covers his hand with the other one she’s holding… then smashes one of his fingers, and she rushes for the keys. As the real David emerges and says, “Just wait and see what he tells the others now,” he smacks her against the bars, hard enough to cause a nosebleed. Ellie calls out her name as he leaves.

After he and James come back, they break into the jail and free her. After she bites David, he shoves her onto the table while he hovers uncomfortably close with a butcher knife. When asked if she was infected, she exclaimed, “Yes, and now you are too!” She grabs the blade and plunges it into James’ neck while the men debate whether or not the bite on her arm warrants concern. As Ellie tries to leave the steakhouse, she discovers that all of the exits are secured. David continues to trail after her, teasing that he has all the keys. Now he’s holding the butcher knife, too. Ellie grabs some firewood and throws it at him. She throws an errant arrow, setting fire to the neighboring drapes and the room.

David keeps looking for Ellie, reassuring her that there is no escape and that she must not be infected because no sick person would put up such a ferocious fight to stay alive. Ellie wants to know how she accomplished it, or whether she’s “that fucking special,” to be so successful. While all is going on, Joel goes out in the snowstorm, carrying Ellie’s luggage, looking for her. In the car on the way back from the steakhouse, David gloats about how great he is and how he might have changed Ellie’s life for the better by only knowing her real name.

David claims that they will both be fine today and not die. As well as the fact that he’s reconsidered his previous decision and decided to stay and educate Ellie because she desperately needs a father. But, Ellie has the upper hand because of the knife she has found; she sneaks up on David and stabs him in the thigh, causing him to knock her to the ground. David jumps atop her and informs her that the battles are his favorite part.  Ellie begins to cry. While David is distracted, Ellie picks up the butcher knife he dropped and stabs him. While the structure around them burns, she climbs on top of him with the knife and begins slashing at him repeatedly while screaming.

With her energy depleted from killing David, Ellie manages to flee the steakhouse. Ellie cries at the man again, “Get off of me!” when Joel unexpectedly discovers her and surprises her. When he turns her around, she tries to fight him off, and it takes her a moment to relax and recognize Joel. He says, “It’s me,” and holds Ellie’s head in his hand as she clings to him in relief. It’s okay, baby girl,” Joel responds, referring to Sarah as he did before and after her death in the pilot. As Ellie and Joel finally feel safe again, Joel adds, “I got you,” and he provides Ellie his coat while still carrying her bag.

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Olivia Wilson
Olivia Wilson
Olivia Wilson is the senior news writer for TV Acute. She spends too much money on collectables and is enamored with movies, comics, and television series. She loves binge-watching and can spend hours talking about movies and TV shows. She can immerse herself into a good story no matter the genre or form and only come out from it when she's had her fill. When she's not writing, she's probably cooking or exploring new places. You can follow her daily exploits on Twitter and Facebook.

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