The Last of Us Season 1 Episode 6 Recap

In the sixth episode of the critically acclaimed and highly popular HBO thriller, there is a time jump of three months. At this point, Joel (Pedro Pascal) and Ellie(Bella Ramsey) are in new no-land men in the vast and happily unpopulated Western United States. Joel is beginning to have second thoughts about whether or not he is the ideal person for the job to deliver Ellie safely, but he is still holding out hope that he will locate his younger brother Tommy (Gabriel Luna) somewhere in Wyoming. she disagrees. ( Here is all you need to know about the conclusion of The Last of us Episode 6, in case you missed any of the exciting moments.

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The Last of Us Season 1 Episode 6 Recap

There is a brief, heartbreaking flashback to Henry’s suicide, and then the scene shifts to a snowy field with a single cottage three months later.  The intimidating antics of Joel and Ellie are more likely to entertain Marlon (Graham Greene) and Florence (Elaine Miles) than to frighten them. They have spent the last 20 years trapping, collecting, eating, and surviving in their own distant hut, far from society, in contrast to our heroes, who have spent that time among clickers and raiders. That’s why they’re not permanently crouched in a protective position. He offers her a drink.   she predicts a future where they won’t have to split up after the Fireflies. and an alert: the big cities are full of the Affected. “There’s no way to know who’s out there, but we see the bodies,” Marlon says. Not everyone was infected.” Tommy is definitely gone if he has crossed the river to the west.

Ellie has been jokingly referring to the river as the “river of death,” so that night they set up camp beside it. Even if they are dubious, they opt to take a chance anyhow. Joel nearly faints outside as Ellie snatches one of the rabbits Marlon has caught in silence. Then, Ellie’s anxiety rears its ugly head despite her best efforts at concealment, as we’ve seen many times before. She says, “I wanted to save him,” implying that she attempted to put her blood on Sam. After a while, Joel reassures her, “they can do it” if Marlene claims the doctors at Fireflies can produce a treatment with Ellie’s contribution. Of course, this is just a wild guess. But this is one of the first times Joel sugarcoats the facts to make Ellie seem better and safer, as fathers are wont to do. He promises to cover both shifts so she can get some sleep, but when dawn comes he finds out he went to sleep and she had to keep a watchful eye all night.

Ellie makes a horrible joke as they pass a dam as they continue their long walk, during which they talk about her desire to learn how to whistle and shoot before being abruptly and menacingly surrounded by a group of individuals on horseback. With Ellie hiding behind him, Joel raises his hands in a gesture of submission and declares, “We’re just passing through!” To facilitate the presence of a dog trained to detect Cordyceps infection, the leader orders Ellie and Joel to put down their weapons and separate. The dog ignores Joel but growls at Ellie, causing Joel’s anxiety to reach critical levels. When the animal starts licking Ellie’s face in a fun manner, you can see it all play out on his face.

With a conscious effort to maintain composure, Joel explains that he’s searching for his brother, at which point a female member of the gang rides up and requests a name. Eventually, everyone, Joel and Ellie included rides back to Jackson, a gated enclave that appears to be both prosperous and laid-back. Hold now, who is that beardy fellow I see working on a building in the center of town? Joel calls out to Tommy. Joel is nearly knocked out by the brotherly embrace that concludes the brother’s Miller’s hasty approach to each other. Tommy is overjoyed to see his brother or sister. They continue to hug and laugh.

While Ellie and Joel eat, she interrogates Tommy and Maria (Rutina Wesley, True Blood), the lady who questioned them, about what happened outside the compound and why there are so many bodies. Tommy thinks it’s all bunk. Tommy and Maria’s wedding comes as a shock to everyone, even Joel. Maria and Tommy take you on a tour of their post-apocalyptic utopia by taking you outside to see it for yourself. Jackson has a dam that provides them with energy, water, sewage, and a variety of places of worship. The 300 people who live there tend to all of the gardens and animals collectively. Maria readily acknowledges that the group is a communist commune. She then whisks Ellie aside so the siblings may have a private conversation.

The Miller guys meet at the pub, which is deserted, to catch up. If Tommy asks, Joel will tell him that Tess is still alive. He makes up the story that Ellie is the daughter of a high-up official in the Firefly organization. Tom claims they can get the base they need at Eastern Colorado University, but getting from Fort Collins to Jackson is extremely risky. So Joel invites him along… Tommy, though, is adamant that this is not the case. Joel, seeing that the message is about to become the text, plunges headfirst into the action. To survive, Tommy admits he actively participated in the violence. Tommy does not want to throw himself in danger of killing someone or getting killed, especially because Maria is pregnant and they only have a few months together. Because of his loneliness, Joel explodes. In the morning, Joel and Ellie will go.

When Joel steps outside the pub, he believes he spots Sarah. It’s definitely not her, but someone who looks similar to her from behind, and he has another episode that leaves him clutching his chest and leaning on a pole as he struggles for air. After tracking down Joel at his shoe repair shop, Tommy offers his apologies in the form of a new pair of boots. Younger Miller: “I know you’re thrilled for me. But Joel is already going around and around, Tommy, so hold on tight and prepare to ride the emotional Tilt-A-Whirl that is your brother’s mind. He reveals the reality of Tess’s situation and the truth about Ellie.

While he’s talking, all of his Strong Emotions of Ellie’s having to protect him in Kansas City surface. When Tommy talks up their old survival strategies, Joel and Tommy’s violent past comes flooding back to the surface. As he is expecting a child. This is a major stumbling block in Joel and Ellie’s romantic ambitions. As Tommy explains, the Firefly lab they need is located in Colorado, to the south of where they currently are. He estimates that the journey will take about a week and that it will not be simple. Tommy is not interested in going on that trip with Joel. An infuriated Joel promises they won’t have to worry about him or Ellie anymore after tomorrow morning. Maria cleans up Ellie, dresses her in a new outfit, and gives her a new haircut. She also receives a menstruation cup from Maria. Kevin, the son of Maria, an associate district attorney in Omaha, died not long after Outbreak Day. He was three years old. Ellie guesses that Sarah is Maria’s child since she finds a monument to her there. But Maria chimes in to tell her that Sarah actually belonged to Joel. When Maria finally gets to her point, she is still sniping. She is concerned for Ellie’s safety because of Joel’s history of violence. Now completely devoted to Angry Dad, Ellie reminds out that Tommy participated in the same activities, but Maria brushes this off as Tommy merely following in his brother’s footsteps. With caution, she issues a warning.

Joel and Tommy reconcile while the rest of the village, including Maria and Ellie, meet in a cabin to watch an old movie.  To Tommy, Joel reveals all: his worries about Ellie and his own goal, as well as his honest assessment of himself. He claims that his health issues stem from an excessive amount of anxiety. Ellie later overhears a portion of a conversation between Joel and Tommy in the shoe shop as she strolls through town. And when Joel finally reunites with her in the home they’ll be spending the night in together, he knows immediately what’s happened. He disagrees with her when she says he hasn’t invented the concept of loss, which she brings up during their argument. Thus, her retort is that, with the exception of him, everyone else she knew has either passed away or abandoned her. That’s why she requests him to continue the journey with her; she’ll be even more terrified if he’s not there. At daybreak, we will part ways and go our separate ways. She is almost in tears as he storms out. Even Joel sheds a few tears later that evening as he remembers he and Sarah will be putting up their Christmas tree the next day.

The Last of Us Season 1 Episode 6 Ending

The following morning, Tommy and Ellie visit the stable, where they find Joel getting ready to rob a horse and flee. He says he’s given it some thought and ultimately decided to give Ellie an option. she stays with him even though he feels she’d be safer with Tommy. Joel and Ellie are free to depart Jackson after a warm embrace from Tommy, who hands over a rifle and assures them of a warm welcome. Something has relaxed between them, and they’re sharing a lightness on the flight to Colorado that they haven’t before. He instructs her in the use of a long gun. They discuss his early aspirations to be a musician. They eventually make it to the university, which is covered in Firefly graffiti, only to discover that everyone has left save for the once-captive test-lab monkeys.

Joel concludes that the group may have fled to Salt Lake City based on the evidence they’ve found thus far. But their preparations are thwarted when four armed guys stride purposefully in their direction. Before Ellie and Joel can reach their horse, one of the men charges, stabbing Joel in the chest with the broken end of a baseball bat. Joel crushes the man’s neck. Joel is unaware of the severity of his injury until Ellie looks at him in disbelief. Ellie shoots at the remaining men to hold them at bay as they reach the horse together. When attempting to get away from the school, Joel falls off his horse and is injured. Ellie continues on without him. She begs him to stand up, and the episode finishes on that note.

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Olivia Wilson
Olivia Wilson
Olivia Wilson is the senior news writer for TV Acute. She spends too much money on collectables and is enamored with movies, comics, and television series. She loves binge-watching and can spend hours talking about movies and TV shows. She can immerse herself into a good story no matter the genre or form and only come out from it when she's had her fill. When she's not writing, she's probably cooking or exploring new places. You can follow her daily exploits on Twitter and Facebook.

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