Ritchie Greer is the director of “The Legend of Catclaws Mountain,” a magical story that was created by Ritchie Greer and Bob Lee Dysinger. This magical story is about a young girl named Mindy Johnson (Hayden Hishaw) who sets out to find her magical pony and find Catclaws Mountain’s secret treasures. The beautiful places where this movie was shot are one of the things that makes it so interesting. Let’s look at the beautiful places where “The Legend of Catclaws Mountain” was filmed.
Where was “The Legend of Catclaws Mountain” filmed?
In February 2022, shooting for “The Legend of Catclaws Mountain” began. Most of “The Legend of Catclaws Mountain” was shot in Los Angeles, California, USA. Most of the movie’s indoor scenes were filmed at California’s Burbank Studios.
Los Angeles, California
Filming took place in beautiful places that helped bring the world of “The Legend of Catclaws Mountain” to life and showed off the different scenery and settings that are important to the story. Los Angeles, which is famous for movies and TV shows, was the right setting for this magical story of discovery and adventure.
Alpine Meadows, California
For some of the outdoor shots, the production team also used Alpine Meadows, California, with its snow-capped mountains and wide fields. Especially ones that showed the beautiful scenery around Catclaws Mountain. Alpine Meadows is a city in Placer County that is famous for its beautiful nature and difficult terrain. This makes it a great place to capture the wildness and mystery of Catclaws Mountain.
Burbank Studios
Burbank Studios in Burbank, California, was used a lot by the production team to film indoor shots. Burbank Studios is a famous place that has been used for many movies and TV shows over the years. It has modern facilities and soundstages. To give you a look behind the scenes, the cast and crew talked about interesting moments from the shoot. There were pictures of the set and scenes being shot at Burbank Studios shared by star and producer Amber Wegner, who plays Beth Johnson in the movie. For a sneak peek into the magic of making movies, another cast member, Eliza Agnifilo, shared a video from the set.
The Legend of Catclaws Mountain Cast
“The Legend of Catclaws Mountain” features a talented cast that includes Hayden Hishaw as Mindy Johnson, Dee Wallace as Maggie Porter, James Duval as Marcus McKinley, Robert Davi as Mickey Berrelli, and Ilia Volok as Professor Nikolai Surkov. Other notable cast members include Ricco Ross, Daniel de Weldon, Cadence Goblirsch, Bryan Zuvic, Benjamin Widner, Joseph Kyler, Dylan Mojo, Don Scribner, Amber Wegner, Joseph Lopez, Chalet Lizette Brannan, Phillip Andre Botello, and Jeremiah Benjamin. Each actor brings a unique flair to their role, enriching the mystical tale of Mindy’s quest to find her magical pony and uncover the secrets of Catclaws Mountain.
As you get lost in the magical world of “The Legend of Catclaws Mountain,” let these shooting locations and behind-the-scenes moments help you understand the story better. Visit tvacute.com again soon for more news, previews, and recaps of your favorite films and TV shows.