The CW’s fantasy-adventure drama television series, The Outpost season 3 episode 5 which titled is “Under Yavalla’s Control” that will air on November 5 at 9:00-10:00 p.m. ET. The episode was written by Laura Whang and directed by Orsi Nagypal.
Here’s the synopsis: The Outpost Episode 305
A THREAT TO THE MISSION – Tobin (Aaron Fontaine) returns to the Outpost with an army – and a secret. Talon (Jessica Green) presses for answers and a fight in the Throne Room ends in death, imprisonment, and a new commander of the Outpost.
Izuka Hoyle, Jake Stormoen, Adam Johnson, Anand Desai-Barochia, Jaye Griffiths, and Imogen Waterhouse also star.
Source: CW