In the popular TV show The Rookie, Tru Valentino plays Aaron Thorsen. His character is introduced in the fourth season of The Rookie. He is paired with Detective Nyla Harper, played by Mekia Cox, and given the badge number 14483. Thorsen’s training officer and mentor is Harper, who helps him learn how to be a police officer and deal with the problems of the job.
“Dye Hard” is the episode where Nathan Fillion‘s character, Nolan, steps in to help Thorsen finish his training before he is promoted to Police Officer II. Aaron Thorsen was shot at the end of the previous season. People were worried about Thorsen’s life after he was shot, so they watched to see if he would make it.
Is Aaron Thorsen Alive in The Rookie?
Yes, Aaron Thorsen is alive in The Rookie Season 6. In the first episode of the new season, we learned that Thorsen had survived the gunshot, but it wasn’t easy for him to get better. Even though the bullet missed his critical organs, he was still bleeding inside. Even so, Thorsen’s strong will and drive got him through it, and when he finally got back to work, his coworkers gave him a standing ovation. However, Sergeant Wade Grey stopped Thorsen from going back to work and told him that he needed to be cleared by a psychiatrist before he could go back to work. Thorsen is having a hard time with the physical and emotional effects of what he went through, but he is eager to go back to work.