Introducing the enigmatic realm of “The Vanishing Triangle,” an upcoming Irish TV show that is sure to enthrall viewers with its compelling plot and outstanding ensemble. This six-part drama, written and directed by Ivan Kavanagh, is based on genuine stories from Ireland’s mysterious Vanishing Triangle. You’ll uncover a story of crime, investigative journalism, and the eerie past that unites the characters as we delve into the specifics.
Is The Vanishing Triangle Based on a true story? Explained!
About The Vanishing Triangle
As a Sundance Now Original series, “The Vanishing Triangle” combines elements of psychological thriller and dark crime drama. The show centers on India Mullen’s character, Lisa Wallace, an investigative journalist, and Allen Leech‘s character, Detective David Burkely. They become involved in a web of corruption inside the GardaĂ system as they set out to solve the mystery surrounding Amy Reynolds’ disappearance.
The story picks up steam when Amy Reynolds mysteriously disappears as a result of a series of events set in motion by Lisa’s essay about her mother’s murder. With every new episode, the plot deepens, creating a complicated tapestry of psychological suffering, suspense, and a race against time to find the missing girls. Renowned for his roles in “Son,” “The Canal,” and “Never Grow Old,” Ivan Kavanagh leads the series and makes sure that the plot keeps viewers gripped.
When Does The Vanishing Triangle Come Out in the US and Ireland?
Put September 28, 2023, as the date of “The Vanishing Triangle”‘s exclusive release on Sundance Now in the United States on your calendars. The exciting story will be shown to American viewers in two installments starting on Thursday, October 26, and thereafter weekly on AMC+ and Sundance Now.
Viewers in Ireland can watch the series simultaneously on Virgin Media One. Even though Ireland’s release date coincides with the US debut, spectators are sure to be left wanting more from an engrossing story.
The Vanishing Triangle’s UK Release Date
For our friends in the UK on the other side of the pond, the Acorn TV release date is still pending. The series promises to have a big impression with its complex plot and outstanding performances, so the wait will definitely be worthwhile.
With exclusive distribution rights, Sundance Now can guarantee an engaging watching experience for audiences in the United States and Canada. Accessibility is further improved by the collaboration with AMC+, which lets viewers explore the enigmatic world of “The Vanishing Triangle” whenever it’s convenient for them.
The Vanishing Triangle Episode Guide
Let’s now explore “The Vanishing Triangle”‘s complexities through its episode guide, offering a preview of the drama that will soon unfold.
The Vanishing Triangle Episode 1 Synopsis
After reporter Lisa Wallace publishes an article on her mother’s murder, the killer resurfaces hinting at a kidnapping. Lisa and Detective David Burkely start investigating, connecting the killer to the disappearance of a woman named Amy Reynolds.
The Vanishing Triangle Episode 2 Synopsis
Lisa’s article is leaked, criticizing the Gardaà for not acting on Amy’s disappearance. David and Detective Brennan chase a lead, Mark Bulger, in Castlemoy. Impatient with the police’s pace, Lisa risks her life to uncover what Bulger is hiding.
The Vanishing Triangle Episode 3 Synopsis
David tries to get a statement from Teresa and a confession from Bulger, while Lisa investigates if Bulger could be the killer. Susan pleas for information from the GardaĂ when an anonymous caller claims to have information on Amy.
The Vanishing Triangle Episode 4 Synopsis
Lisa has to choose who to save: Susan or Mandy? Chris learns new information that takes Lisa to a strange address, where she discovers incriminating information that someone is trying to cover up. The killer calls later that evening for Lisa’s decision.
The Vanishing Triangle Episode 5 Synopsis
David and Brennan target Gough as the potential killer while Lisa tries to connect him to the kidnappings. Gill threatens to blackmail David if he continues his investigation of Gough. Lisa faces her worst fear with a hospital call about her father.
The Vanishing Triangle Episode 6 Synopsis
The investigation is halted. David confronts GardaĂ’s top officials to expose Gill and Gough but finds no support. He reveals a long-hidden secret to his family. Lisa and Brennan follow a lead on the killer, investigating an abandoned slaughterhouse.
The Cast of Vanishing Triangle
A superb ensemble, led by India Mullen as the investigative journalist Lisa Wallace and Allen Leech as Detective David Burkely, brings a gripping story to life. The members of the ensemble are Carolyn Donnelly, Jason Daly, Ella Cannon, Claire O’Donovan, Hannah O’Brien, Fionnuala Murphy, Philip O’Sullivan, Maura Foley, Kiera Crawford, Jana Mohieden, Peter Corboy, Laoise Sweeney, Carolyn Donnelly, and Stephen Hogan.
A forthcoming six-part Irish television series, “The Vanishing Triangle” has captured the interest of many viewers. In October 2022, filming for this fascinating production began in Bray, County Wicklow. The suspense surrounding the series was increased by the gorgeous setting that was used to bring the mysterious plot to life. Blending the mysteries of real-life unsolved crimes in Ireland with the imaginative narrative of a dramatic series, “The Vanishing Triangle” promises to be an engrossing and atmospheric television experience thanks to its filming location and outstanding ensemble.
To sum up, “The Vanishing Triangle” looks to be an emotional, suspenseful, and revelation-filled ride. Expect a brilliantly designed series that delves into the depths of crime, corruption, and the tenacity of people pursuing justice as viewers set off on an exciting trip. A captivating adventure that will surely make a lasting impression is coming up.
Is Lisa Wallace played by India Mullen based on a real person in The Vanishing Triangle?