In Dead City, the latest spinoff series after the conclusion of The Walking Dead, viewers are taken on a journey that feels reminiscent of Negan’s path to redemption. In a post-apocalyptic New York City, the undead roam the streets, leaving the city largely abandoned and overrun by a new breed of resilient vermin. In this episode titled “Old Acquaintances”, Maggie’s son has been kidnapped by a notorious criminal known as “the Croat”(Ĺ˝eljko Ivanek). Maggie must team up with her former enemy, Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan), to rescue her child from the dangerous streets of New York City. ( We have a recap of The Walking Dead: Dead City Episode 1 in case you missed the exciting conclusion.
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The Walking Dead: Dead City Episode 1 Recap
In the episode “Old Acquaintances” of The Walking Dead: Dead City, Maggie (Lauren Cohan) tracks down Negan to a saloon where he works as a “groaner” exterminator. Maggie confronts Negan and tells that Hilltop 2.0 was raided and her son Hershel was seized as collateral following an altercation with the bar’s owner. To get her kid back, she asks Negan for assistance. Negan claims he didn’t do the crimes he’s charged with, but the marshals are determined to brutally put him to death.
The marshals meet up with Negan and Maggie as they get ready to go to New York City to rescue Hershel. Maggie rejects Negan’s suggestion to use Jano, a marshal trainee, as a bargaining chip. When the group enters Manhattan, they discover walkers falling from skyscrapers as a result of Jano’s commotion. They find refuge in an area of trash that is roach-infested. Eventually, the marshals catch Negan, Maggie, and Jano in a laundry. One of the marshals, Perlie, offers Maggie a chance to discuss her relationship with Negan, but she chooses to keep mute. In the confusion that follows Jano’s attack by a walker holding a rat in its mouth, Perlie inadvertently shoots Jano (Trey Santiago-Hudson). Rather than killing Perlie, Maggie simply leaves him comatose.
Negan and Maggie come across a crazy old woman in a back room. They reach The Croat’s headquarters, where Hershel is being detained, at last. When the Croat is about to torture Hershel, the roof is called. Another prisoner falls to his death after The Croat prevents him from completing his attempt to zip-line to another structure.
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