“To Tell the Truth” is a funny the beloved game show that first aired in 1956 and is hosted by the star of ABC’s hit comedy “black-ish,” Anthony Anderson. This version takes the excitement to another level, featuring captivating characters from pop culture. The most recent iteration, now on the ABC network, has been hosted by Anthony Anderson since 2016 and was renewed for a seventh season, which premiered on June 6, 2021.(read articles on tvacute) ABC’s “To Tell the Truth” stood as the No. 1 entertainment program in Sunday’s 10 p.m. hour for the 3rd week running in Total Viewers (3.6 million).
To Tell the Truth Episode 614 Synopsis: Anthony Anderson hosts this reimagining of the classic game show of the same name, where a panel of celebrities is presented with three people who all claim to be the same person with a notable talent, job, or achievement.
To Tell the Truth Season 6 Episode 14 will release on June 27 at 10 p.m.