In the 15th installment of the second season of ‘Vinland Saga’ entitled ‘Freedom,’ Arnheid successfully achieves a reunion with her spouse, despite Snake’s lack of authorization. Upon seizing the chance, Gardar eliminates all of the guardians and allows both of them to escape. Subsequently, Snake becomes aware of the situation and initiates an extensive pursuit in order to bring Gardar to justice for his actions. here tvacute provides a comprehensive understanding of the conclusion of the fifteenth episode of the second season of ‘Vinland Saga’.
Vinland Saga Season 2 Episode 15: A Short Recap
Arnheid travels to the location where Snake and his men are holding her husband, Gardar. She works up the nerve to ask to check on Gardar, but Snake refuses to allow it, seemingly unconcerned with his wounds. Arnheid, however, manages to convince one of Snake’s men to bring her closer to Gardar, where she encounters him while he is bound and terribly beaten. Gardar says he’s sorry he abandoned her and won’t do it again. Arnheid is confronted by a guard as they are leaving, but her friend tells a falsehood about how Snake gave her permission to visit Gardar. When Snake comes back he discovers his dead buddy and swears revenge on Gardar after learning that Gardar chewed off his neck to kill him.
Thorfinn, Einar, and Gardar all wake up the next morning with absolutely no idea what happened the night before. While conversing about war and slavery, Einar challenges Thorfinn’s utopian worldview. Thorfinn is convinced that putting an end to wars is one of the best ways to free people from slavery, and he expresses regret for the lives that he lost in conversations with other people. He feels he must make amends for his actions and that simply admitting that war and slavery are bad is not enough. Einar doubts that Thorfinn’s ideas can be put into practice and thinks they’re nothing more than a pipe dream.