“The Grand Wedding” is the title of Snowy River The McGregor (AU) season 3 and 35 episode overall series. The episode was written by Peter Kinloch and directed by Steve Jodrell.
Watch Snowy River The McGregor Saga Season 3 Episode 3 – “The Grand Wedding”
Matt and Kathleen’s wedding day is marked, and could be marred, by a woman who appears at the church and wants to buy a horse from Matt. Matt finds a riderless horse and goes off to investigate, without telling anyone. He finds an injured man at the bottom of a ravine and has to wait for help to come. The wedding party waits at the church for the groom and fears he will not turn up. But Kathleen remains confident. After a dangerous ride through the night, Matt finally arrives and the wedding takes place.
Original network:Â Nine Network
Featured Photo: Australian televisionÂ