The well-received movie adaptation of a popular video game is poised to begin its third run on Netflix. In 2021, the first episode of the animated series based on the multiplayer online battle arena video game DOTA 2 debuted on Netflix. The adventures of Davion, the Dragon Knight, who desires to preserve the world from the evil dragons are chronicled over the seasons, which are also referred to as “books.” Allow to supply you with all of the information you’ll need to watch DOTA: Dragon’s Blood Book 3.
When You Can Watch the Third Book of the Dragon’s Blood Series on Netflix
The day of the release of Dota: Dragon’s Blood Book 3 has finally arrived. On Thursday, August 11, at 3 a.m. Eastern Time (ET) and 12 a.m. Pacific Time (PT), Netflix will release Dota: Dragon’s Blood Book 3. The streaming service will, like it always does, release all eight episodes at the same time. Fans have the option of watching the entire series in a single sitting (often known as “binge watching”) or viewing it on their own timetable.
DOTA: Dragon’s Blood Book 3 Cast
Voice actors Yuri Lowenthal as Davion, Lara Pulver as Princess Mirana, Tony Todd as Slyrak, and Troy Baker as Invoker are featured in the game’s production. Ashley Edward Miller, a veteran of both “Thor” and “X-Men: First Class,” is now working as the showrunner. Amy Chu, Mitch Iverson, Ashley Halloran, and Steven Melching are some of the other people involved in the writing process.
DOTA: Dragon’s Blood Book 3 Trailer
According to the official plot summary, “The sweeping fantasy series tells the story of Davion, a renowned Dragon Knight devoted to wiping the scourge from the face of the world. Following encounters with a powerful, ancient eldwurm as well as the noble Princess Mirana on a secret mission of her own, Davion becomes embroiled in events much larger than he could have ever imagined.”
Ki Hyun Ryu and Ashley Edward Miller served as executive producers for the film. Producing duties are shared by Hang Cheong Il, Eugene Lee, and Steven Melching.