The Man from Toronto, an action comedy movie directed by Patrick Hughes of “The Hitman’s Bodyguard,” debuts on June 24, Netflix. In the film, Woody Harrelson plays the “Man from Toronto aka Randy,” a lethal assassin who is mistaken for Teddy, a failed businessman played by Kevin Hart. Now, Teddy works with the hitman to aid the FBI in taking down a cunning drug dealer (Alejandro De Hoyos). Now that his life is in danger and he has to pretend to be Randy, he and Randy go on a wild ride together. Along with Hart and Harrelson, the cast also features Ellen Barkin from “Ocean’s Thirteen,” Pierson Fode from “Supergirl,” and Kaley Cuoco from “The Big Bang Theory.”
There are lots of action, explosions, and laugh-out-loud moments. where the action movie was filmed. Permit us to give the required facts to put an end to your curiosity if you have inquiries on the same. The Man from Toronto was shot in the following locations.
The Man from Toronto Locations for Filming
It looks like the movie takes place in New York City, but it was actually filmed in Toronto and parts of the GTA in 2020. As you might guess from the name, a lot of it was shot in and around the city. Even though a lot of movies and TV shows are shot in Toronto, there aren’t that many that are actually set there, so it’s pretty exciting when one is.
From October to December 2020, The Man from Toronto was filmed in and around Toronto. Production was supposed to take place in the US, but when COVID-19 spread, it was moved to Toronto. A month before filming began, director Patrick Hughes announced the new location on Instagram while showing off the 1969 Dodge Charger that will be used in the movie.
The Man from Toronto was filmed in a lot of different places around the GTA, so there are lots of chances to see TO in the background. In November 2020, Hart and Harrelson were seen filming at a GO station in Brampton. That’s about as Toronto as it gets! Even though it has a different name, a lot of the movie was shot in Brampton, including at the Heart Lake Conservation Area.
Heart Lake Conservation Area
Heart Lake Conservation Area, which is also in Brampton, was used to film the first scenes of the movie, in which Hart shows up at the wrong Airbnb. These scenes can be seen in the movie’s trailer. Here, the movie was shot by the lake, and the set/cabin was built just for the movie.
@WhatsFilmingON something is filming or about to be fined at Heart Lake Conservation Area in Brampton. Rustic cabin with the lake in background is the set. Any ideas?
— DiSar (@JonahFelicia) October 25, 2020
The Airbnb cabin was built on a piece of land next to a lake. It was only there for the movie, which is kind of interesting. People who walked by the set during filming said that crews were bringing in furniture and doing some landscaping to make the setting look real.
The main street of Milton
The Man From Toronto also had a lot of scenes shot in Milton. In the trailer, during a police chase, you can see a few police cars speeding down Main Street East. They fly over places like St. Paul’s church and the Grill Daddy restaurant as they try to catch the Man From Toronto, which is what they are thought to be doing.
The Man From Toronto is filming massive explosions and other stunts in Milton
— 6ixBuzzTV (@6ixbuzztv) November 20, 2020
Filming was also seen in Milton during November 2020, especially on Main Street, where a few action scenes were shot. A local person filmed some of the action and posted it to Twitter. In the background of the video, you can hear fake gunshots and Hart’s voice. Hart has even said that this was one of his most physically demanding roles because of all the stunts and action on set.
The pub Ivy Arms
Another place where the movie was shot in Milton was at the Ivy Arms Pub, which is at 201 Main St. East. In the trailer, you can see Hart and Harrelson running away from a big explosion as they pass by the pub.
People living near the Gardiner Expressway underpass got a notice in December 2020 that there would be filming around their condo buildings. It looks like this area and Lake Shore Boulevard were both used to film the fast-paced car chase you saw in the trailer (below).
The @CBC atrium is the backdrop tonight for a scene in “The Man from Toronto” being shot here starring @KevinHart4real @EllenBarkin @WoodyHarrelson & Kaley Cuoco. Seems festive. 🤷🏼‍♂️
— Tom Harrington (@cbctom) December 3, 2020
The CBC building, which is also in downtown Toronto at 250 Front St. West, was used to film several scenes for the movie. The space was turned into what looks like a huge party scene with a lot of pink balloons. Hart and Harrelson can be seen at the party walking around. The King Edward Hotel on King Street and Victoria Street in Old Toronto is another place where movies are made in downtown Toronto.
@TOFilming_EM Man from Toronto filming at The Bentway. My friend for a notice at his condo
— Dina (@Dina_Lit) December 16, 2020