Where is Teahouse Owner, Fran Hodgetts Now?

The small village of Larrimah is located in the remote outback of Australia. It served as the setting for the compelling true crime documentary “Last Stop Larrimah: Murder Down Under directed by Thomas Tancred This documentary, which will debut on HBO on October 8, explores the mysterious disappearance and suspected murder of 70-year-old Patrick “Paddy” Moriarty in a small town of eleven people. The sleepy town of Larrimah, which is well-known for its Pink Panther-themed company, gained attention.  The director skillfully crafts a narrative that reveals the mysterious happenings around this isolated outback town devoid of a police station and phone service, but rich in quirky locals and unnerving riddles.

Who is Fran Hodgetts?

The eccentric center of Larrimah is none other than Fran Hodgetts, a local character noted for her pies and her prickly manner. Fran and her husband Billy Hodgetts, moved to Larrimah in the middle of the 1970s, and they made a name for themselves there. Over time, Fran entered the pie industry with the goal of drawing in residents and visitors in order to make a livelihood on her own.

Larrimah has a special site on the Stuart Highway, about 490 kilometers north of Tennant Creek and 158 kilometers south of Katherine. Fran’s Teahouse encapsulates the town’s attractiveness; it was originally a vital railhead on the North Australia Railway during World War II. But behind the charming façade of her pie shop, Fran was harboring resentment, the biggest of which was toward her neighbor, Patrick “Paddy” Moriarty. Paddy’s claimed disparagement of Fran’s meat pies, saying they were so awful he wouldn’t even feed them to his dog, heightened tensions.

What Happened to Paddy Moriarty?

The primary question at the center of Last Stop Larrimah is: What happened to Paddy Moriarty? This story’s turning point occurred one fatal night in December 2017. Paddy Moriarty, a seventy-year-old man who enjoyed going to the neighborhood bar, doing odd tasks, and having beers with the locals, inexplicably disappeared with his devoted dog. That night’s unsettling details include Paddy riding his quad bike home, riding his drink to the end at Larrimah’s motel with a Pink Panther motif, and preparing up dinner for his dog and himself. But he vanished into thin air, leaving his unmarked car outside, food on the table, and a cooked chicken in the microwave. There was an unnerving depth of mystery because there was no evidence of struggle.

Moriarty’s character is further developed with archival footage that displays his mischievous smile and involvement in town feuds. The documentary examines the divergent views on Moriarty, portraying him as a devoted friend, a cruel inebriated person, a silly clown, or even an unholy terror capable of frightening practical jokes.  The documentary conveys a sense of nostalgia for a bygone period, which is contrasted with the town’s actual state of disrepair and the worn looks of its elderly citizens. The use of interviews, playful cutaways to old films, and pop culture alludes not only to the town’s quirks and flair but also to the deep loss that its residents have endured.

Is Fran Hodgetts Involved in Paddy’s Disappearance?

The complex network of interpersonal tensions that Larrimah experiences highlights Fran Hodgetts as a possible individual connected to Paddy Moriarty’s disappearance. Fran and Paddy’s enmity peaked when small crimes and sabotage were allegedly committed. Paddy was accused of stealing, of polluting Fran’s garden, of dumping a dead kangaroo on her land, and of attempting to destroy her business, according to Fran. It emerged at the coronial inquiry that Fran Hodgetts employed a gardener named Owen Laurie, who reportedly made a foreboding remark on the first possible murder in Larrimah.

Scary audio recordings from a covert listening device installed in the house of Fran Hodgetts’ live-in gardener, Owen Laurie, were played during the inquest. Owen Laurie was Moriarty’s closest neighbor. A male voice was heard on one recording purportedly admitting to killing Paddy Moriarty. Laurie and Hodgetts, though, denied any involvement.

As the video progresses, several locals offer contrasting perspectives on Paddy Moriarty, depicting him as either a charming mischievous person or a possible threat, even going so far as to suggest arson. Among the many conspiracy theories the movie examines is the one that suggests Paddy was fed to the local crocodile, which would explain why his body has never been discovered.

Where is Fran Hodgetts Now?

As the video reveals what happened after Paddy Moriarty vanished, the chronology of events takes an odd turn. After facing numerous accusations, Fran Hodgetts fled Larrimah and is undergoing medical attention in Melbourne. Moriarty’s grandson, Brent Cilia, draws attention to the toll this has had on his grandmother, Fran Hodgetts, who returned to Larrimah following cancer treatment and was met with verbal abuse, vandalism, and threatening phone calls.

Brent’s grandmother worked arduously for many years to turn Fran’s Teahouse—famous for its delectable homemade pies, scones, and more—into a successful business in this far-flung corner of the globe. Brent is carrying on a family history by taking on the role of manager of Fran’s Teahouse, which is more than just a business endeavor. His grandmother was a longtime member of the community and put in a lot of effort to create and maintain this culinary paradise.

fran's grandson Brent Cilia

The town has changed in the last few years with the deaths of longtime residents Barry Sharpe and Bill Hodgetts. Fran’s grandson, Brent Cilia, has taken over as manager of her tea house restaurant, which is well-known for its peculiar pies.  After Barry Sharpe’s death, ownership of the hotel with a Pink Panther theme and his pet crocodile, Sneaky Sam, changed. Inadvertently, the mystery surrounding Paddy Moriarty’s disappearance has acted as a catalyst for change, unexpectedly uniting the town.

Finally, “Last Stop Larrimah: Murder Down Under” transports audiences to a small Australian outback town’s peculiarities and mysteries through an engrossing voyage. This true-crime story features compelling themes such as the disappearance of Paddy Moriarty, the intricacies of individual connections, and the town’s metamorphosis. As the film progresses, it raises issues regarding the fine line that separates the pursuit of justice in the vast Australian outback from the secrets of a close-knit society.

Is Patrick “Paddy” Moriarty from Larrimah Dead or Alive?

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Olivia Wilson
Olivia Wilsonhttps://www.tvacute.com/
Olivia Wilson is the senior news writer for TV Acute. She spends too much money on collectables and is enamored with movies, comics, and television series. She loves binge-watching and can spend hours talking about movies and TV shows. She can immerse herself into a good story no matter the genre or form and only come out from it when she's had her fill. When she's not writing, she's probably cooking or exploring new places. You can follow her daily exploits on Twitter and Facebook.

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