Where is Logan & Jake Paul’s Dad, Gregory Allan Paul Now?

Gregory Allan Paul Now – Logan Paul and Jake Paul have become social media celebrities since they took to various social media apps to spread their brand of internet fame. Following in their footsteps, Gregory Allan Paul has also succeeded as a celebrity, earning over 159,000 subscribers on YouTube alone!

The Netflix documentary “Untold: Jake Paul the Problem Child” can only be described as both confusing and compelling in equal measure. Fans of Logan and Jake Paul wants to know more about their father, Gregory Allan Paul. Here are all the details we have.

What does Greg Paul do for a living

What does Greg Paul do for a living?

Gregory Allan Paul was born on October 28th, 1963, in Westlake, Ohio, where he grew up as an accomplished real estate professional and commercial roofer. He is the father to three other acclaimed Paul siblings and launched his social media journey using Vine and Instagram.

On February 19th, 2014, Paul started his ‘VlogDad Greg Paul’ channel on YouTube. His first videos showcased Logan Paul’s High School Football Career Highlights, Jake Paul Surfing, Delivering Logan’s Bus across the Country, and more such topics.

Like his sons Logan and Jake Paul, Greg Paul has not been immune from controversy. Most recently, a group of hackers claimed they had evidence showing Greg engaged in inappropriate activity with underage girls. However, they initially provided grainy images with no identifiable features from either Greg Paul or any of the girls involved.

On September 15, 2018, the Digital Gangsters hackers released another video claiming it to be a leaked sex tape of Greg Paul, but the footage provided did not show any faces and only contained voices. The hackers were also unable to substantiate their accusations against underage girls. Logan and Jake Paul, usually quick to weigh in on ongoing online disputes, chose instead to remain quiet on this particular matter.

Greg Paul was previously embroiled in controversy after appearing to kiss a young girl during one of the Paul brothers’ vlogs. The vlog featured a blindfolded girl engaged in a kissing competition between Greg Paul and Jake Paul – with Jake believing she was kissing one of their siblings instead of Greg Paul himself.

“Lincoln and I always had it out with our dad,” Jake candidly admitted in the show at one point, while Logan replied, “Greg Paul is such a menace; he’s intense!” Yet Greg Paul actually defended himself by explaining, “People would say, ‘You are so strict with your children.’ Okay, give them to me for two weeks, when they come back they will be better… Welcome to life… Get over it.” Greg Paul also taught his sons: “Life’s not easy, and no one will help when times get tough; just get over it and get on with it!” Likewise, he taught his boys: “Life’s not easy; no one will pick us up when we fall.”

At one point in their relationship, Greg and Jake found themselves at odds over Greg’s refusal to acknowledge how harshly he treated them while growing up. Jake claimed his dad “would slap the sh*t out of me,” yet Greg maintained: ‘[My children were scared] is what dads are supposed to do.” Later he added: “[If someone] comes in here harassing everyone or hitting an older lady, then do we want a few Greg Pauls or some girly girl talking about emotions?”

However, neither Logan nor Jake holds their father responsible for his actions, as they recognize this is all they know. His strictness drove creativity – something Logan attributed to his father in a documentary, with Jake adding, “Personally, I attribute all my success to my father.” Jake noted, “He was so hard and tough on us that our imagination really started to spark,” which eventually led them to virality on Vine and YouTube hits before leading to their downfall and subsequent rebranding efforts.

Returning to Greg and his experiences, it should be noted that in addition to familial/domestic abuse, he has also been accused of being “creepy” toward young girls. This case began after Digital Gangsters made accusations against a 54-year-old individual whom they accused of sexual misconduct with minors. Greg later clarified in an Instagram story that hackers spreading rumours of his relationship with underage women are pure fabrication and false; it never happened and never will happen. So there’s no supporting evidence, and therefore, none ever will exist to back it up; any attempt at saying otherwise is simply done for view counts like right now.”

What Happened to Gregory Allan Paul

What Happened to Gregory Allan Paul?

As of summer 2022, this lifelong boxing fan had accepted a fight against British TikTok star Simple Simon as part of his efforts to follow in the footsteps of his sons. However, nothing seems to have come of it as yet. Currently, the 59-year-old lives a peaceful life surrounded by loved ones and appears to be living happily and healthily with Kelly, an intelligent young woman he met through work who does not seem too young for him. They prefer living off-grid most days, but he still maintains an impressive public presence with over 380k Instagram followers and nearly 159k YouTube subscribers – both impressive figures in their own right.

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Olivia Wilson
Olivia Wilsonhttps://www.tvacute.com/
Olivia Wilson is the senior news writer for TV Acute. She spends too much money on collectables and is enamored with movies, comics, and television series. She loves binge-watching and can spend hours talking about movies and TV shows. She can immerse herself into a good story no matter the genre or form and only come out from it when she's had her fill. When she's not writing, she's probably cooking or exploring new places. You can follow her daily exploits on Twitter and Facebook.

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