The NBC reality game show “Password,” which is based on the original show of the same name, pairs some well-known celebrities with normal competitors from across the nation. The reality show’s distinctive and intriguing premise is made even more engaging by the fact that Jimmy Fallon and Keke Palmer serve as its hosts. On his Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon has long paid tribute to the vintage word-clue game show. Now, for a few weeks, he debuts a flashy new version. In the premiere, he pays tribute to famous Betty White, who was the game’s best player and was married to the iconic presenter of the original series, Allen Ludden, along with irrepressible host Keke Palmer.
Each episode features Fallon playing with the competitors as they plan how many clues to use to guess the password while competing against a famous opponent (in the premiere, it was a coworker Jon Hamm). The positive mood carries over to the winner’s big-money lightning round, which even has a “redemption round” if necessary to give the player a second shot to win $25,000 in some games that build to a sudden-death tiebreaker. You might also be curious about the location of the studio where this game show is filmed. In that case, allow tvacute to give you the full lowdown!
Where is Password (Game Show) Filmed
Filming for “Password” took place in Los Angeles County, California. The reality game show’s first season’s main photography reportedly started in May 2022. The Golden State, which is in the Western United States, is a good place to film a studio-based show like “Password” because it has some of the largest production firms and studio facilities. Without further ado, let’s explore the individual places that are featured in the film!
The most populous county in both California and the United States, Los Angeles County, served as the location for all the key scenes in “Password.” One of the oldest and most well-known Hollywood film studios still in operation is Universal Studios Hollywood, where the reality show’s production crew especially takes up shop.
The studio complex, which is situated at 100 Universal City Plaza in Universal City, has 34 stages, a sizable backlot, and a number of different-sized practice halls. One of the soundstages was allegedly used by the “Password” actors and crew to record the reality show’s scenes. A number of tourist-friendly attractions are located in Los Angeles County. The Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Hollywood Bowl, Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, and The Forum are a few of the prominent ones. Additionally, a lot of filmmakers have visited the county over the years to work on a variety of movie projects.