“Murder Is Easy,” a British mystery thriller TV show based on Agatha Christie’s classic 1939 book of the same name, is a world full of magic and mystery. This adaptation, which premiered on BBC One and BBC iPlayer combines classic Christie whodunit elements with a modern twist. David Jonsson, who plays retired agent Luke Fitzwilliam, Tom Riley as Lord Whitfield. To bring the story up to date while staying true to Agatha Christie’s ideas, the adaptation makes some changes, like moving the character Fitzwilliam from Nigeria to the UK. Â tvacute looks into the magic behind the scenes and enjoys both the gripping story and the stunning scenery that has to offer.
Where was BBC’s Murder Is Easy filmed?
“Murder Is Easy” began filming began in the summer of 2023. The whole production was carefully put together in Scotland. It took place in many beautiful places in the central belt and southwest, such as Glasgow, Stirlingshire, the village of Garvald in East Lothian, Paisley in Renfrewshire, and East Ayrshire.
North Tyninghame, East Lothian
The show takes place mostly in the made-up town of Wychwood under Ashe, but it’s interesting to know that this cute place is not based on real life. Instead, the beautiful landscapes of Scotland stole the show, making the perfect background for this intriguing story.
There were a lot of beautiful places in “Murder Is Easy,” but Tyninghame in East Lothian stands out as a star in its own right. The village’s protection status made sure that its classic charm would last, which made it a great choice for making the made-up Wychwood under Ashe come to life. The filming went beyond the streets; the village hall and the cafĂ© in the village became important parts of the story.
David Wakefield, who owns the cafe, said, “We are very proud that our beautiful little village has been selected for this big screen production. I came back from holiday last night and it was quite eerie as there were no cars in the village at all as they have been moved for filming.
Glasgow City in Scotland
Glasgow is the biggest city in Scotland. It’s known for having a friendly vibe, a lot of cultural events, and beautiful buildings. The River Clyde flows through the middle of the city, making it look even more beautiful.
Glasgow is a lively and inviting place to visit, with a lively music and nightlife scene, famous sites, and a mix of history and modernity. Impressive Victorian and Art Nouveau buildings can be found in the city, such as the famous Glasgow Cathedral and the University of Glasgow. The Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum and the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall are just two of the city’s world-class museums, galleries, and stages. Glasgow is known for its arts and culture scene.
Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland
Murder is Easy was also filmed in Paisley, and the town center was also changed to look like it was in the 1950s. It was possible to see stars like David Jonsson and classic cars on the streets.
Castle Sorn in Ayrshire
The series was filmed at the beautiful Sorn Castle in East Ayrshire, which has a past that goes back to the 14th century. This Scottish castle sits on the banks of the River Ayr, not far from the settlement of Sorn in the county of East Ayrshire. The castle, which is often used for weddings, was Lord Whitfield’s grand country house. It was where he held fancy parties that made the story feel a little more luxurious.
As the series went on, it not only kept viewers interested but also made the people of Tyninghame feel better. Shireen Green, who is on the committee for the village hall, talked about her experience. She said, “The buildings are all nice, but there isn’t much sign of 21st-century development.” The town has kept its charming look because it is in a conservation area.
Filming took place in the village hall and a nearby cafĂ©, giving locals the unique chance to see the magic of filmmaking for themselves. It’s not a typical Scottish town, so it’s not a surprise that it was picked. It does look like an English village out of a chocolate box.” We were able to go see the movie being made. It was really fun.”
Mark Bonnar, who plays Reverend Humbleby on the show, talked about some of the most important places where the episodes were filmed. “One important place was Sorn Castle, a castle from the 1800s. There is a beautiful place there, and as an actor, I loved going into rooms we weren’t meant to go into while we were on location, which is why you should never leave us alone. The series felt more real because it used historical buildings and told the interesting story of the castle.
The cast will always remember Tyninghame, the town that stood in for Wychwood under Ashe. Bonnar was happy and said, “We filmed a lot in Tyninghame, a beautiful village in East Lothian that plays Wychwood under Ashe in Murder Is Easy.” Because you’re in this job, you get to see all these places and go into homes that you would never get to see otherwise. That’s great.
The choice to set the show in the 1950s allowed the production team to use a wide range of beautiful old cars, which added a nostalgic touch to the overall look. From the buildings to the vehicles, every little thing has been carefully thought out to make sure that both the cast and the viewers have an immersive experience.
As viewers get deeper into the interesting plot, the Scottish setting becomes a character in its own right, shaping the mood and making the show more appealing as a whole. The positive comments from both the creators and the locals show how well the story and the setting worked together, making “Murder Is Easy” a standout among the many Agatha Christie adaptations.