“Thanksgiving” (2023), a slasher film directed by Eli Roth that has gained attention since it debuted as a parody teaser in the 2007 movie Grindhouse, is sure to delight audiences with a cinematic feast of terror. This upcoming horror film elevates the Thanksgiving holiday to a whole new level by fusing the cozy comforts of family get-togethers with the spine-tingling tension of an enigmatic serial killer known only as “John Carver.” The drama takes place in Plymouth, Massachusetts, against the backdrop of a horrific Thanksgiving celebration that was set in motion by a deadly Black Friday riot. Thanks to its ensemble cast, which includes Patrick Dempsey, Addison Rae, Milo Manheim, and others. tvacute delves into Where was the Thanksgiving 2023 movie shot?
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Where was Slasher Movie “Thanksgiving” (2023) Filmed?
Principal photography, which took place between March 13 and May 5, 2023, shows how committed the production team was to encapsulate the spirit of both urban intensity and small-town charm. The “Thanksgiving” background is essential in establishing the mood of the horror story. Even though the story takes place in Plymouth, Massachusetts, you might be surprised by the real filming locations. The production team discovered an appropriate double for Plymouth in Port Perry, Ontario, Canada, with a magical twist of filmmaking.
Filming Locations in Canada:
The production team and performers traveled to 215 Parkside Drive, Hamilton, Ontario, to film sequences at Waterdown District High School. The city’s varied scenery enriched the film’s visual storytelling. The natural parks and lakes of Hanmer, Ontario, a hidden gem, were revealed for the film. This beautiful setting was used to film several important sequences, adding to the film’s overall ambiance.
Port Perry, Ontario:
A lovely town on the southwestern side of Lake Scugog, Port Perry, played a significant role in the film. The trailer’s Thanksgiving parade segment was shot in and near Port Perry, giving the picture a more realistic feel befitting of its holiday horror theme.
The desire for a scenic setting that could accurately replicate the historic town of Plymouth led to the choice to film in Port Perry. The picturesque beauty of Port Perry gave the filmmakers the perfect backdrop on which to recreate the Thanksgiving horror. The realness of the filming sites, which include Cordage Park and the region’s underground tunnels, gives the made-up story a level of realism.
During the film’s creation, director Eli Roth and the crew also researched Plymouth’s lengthy history. The representation of the film’s locations was informed by the study conducted at the Cordage Museum and visits to the real Plymouth. In addition to adding to the visual credibility of the movie, this attention to detail raises the suspense level for viewers who are familiar with the real locales.
Filming at Port Perry was able to capture the essence of a small New England town, which was important to Roth’s idea for the movie because of its distinct blend of charm and history. The choice to film in Canada demonstrates the creative freedom of the filmmaking process, since a location may be used to tell a gripping horror story that transcends its actual geographic limitations.
In conclusion, although “Thanksgiving” (2023) is set in the well-known town of Plymouth, the production was magically moved to the charming town of Port Perry in Ontario, Canada, thanks to the magic of cinema. The selection of filming sites ensured that the setting became an essential component of the audience’s cinematic experience in addition to satisfying the production’s practical needs and adding a sense of authenticity to the horror narrative.
What is the “Thanksgiving” (2023) movie based on?