The detectives that work in the Special Victims Unit of the New York City Police Department’s 16th precinct in Manhattan are the focus of the television show ‘Law & Order: Special Victims Unit,’ which follows their exploits. The investigators look into relating to sexual offenses, as well as cases of serial molestation assault, and domestic assault, under the direction of Captain Olivia Benson. Each episode of the “Law & Order” series is structured like a crime drama paves the way for a wide number of actors, including seasoned pros and fresh faces, to play different characters. Richard Pace is an attorney who has argued cases in which he has been pitted against the Special Victims Unit. We have all the details you need on him right at
Who is Richard Pace in Law and Order SUV?
Richard Pace acts as a defense counsel for his client, Harold Coyle (Christopher McDonald), in the case. He has made a total of three appearances throughout three episodes of the show’s three seasons. Â In episode 16 of season 18 titled “The Newsroom,” we are first introduced to Richard while he is appearing in court to defend Harold, a reporter who has been convicted of many counts of sexual assault. Harold is a seasoned professional in the news industry who wields a significant amount of power. So over years, he has raped many women and recorded the crimes. After that, Harold makes use of those films to intimidate the women and coerce them into maintaining their silence. As one of his victims confesses to Capt. Olivia about what he did to her, the Special Victims Unit opens an investigation into him. In the end, Richard is successful in persuading Harold to accept the plea deal that is being offered by the prosecution. Richard Pace argues on behalf of a child abuser and canonical rapist Nick Pearce in the twenty-third episode of season 23, which is titled “Did You Believe in Miracles?” Richard ultimately succeeds in persuading Nicholas Pearce to accept the plea offer. Pence Humphreys, who was his most current client on ‘SVU,’ suffers from dementia and is convinced that he raped and murdered his wife.
Who is playing the role of Richard Pace?
On the television show “SVU,” the role of Richard Pace is played by the Canadian character actor John Charles MacKenzie.  He is the second of four sons born to nurses Mary and Bill MacKenzie, a pharmacist, who was born on October 17, 1970, in Peterborough, Ontario. When he first experienced live theater, he was a freshman at Concordia. His acceptance to the prestigious London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art came within just two years. J.C. MacKenzie has appeared in more than 150 different media, including movies, TV shows, and plays. Starring as Skip Fontaine in HBO’s Vinyl and Reagan “Normal” Ronald in Fox’s Dark Angel, he has become a household name. Several of Martin Scorsese’s films, including The Aviator, The Departed, The Wolf of Wall Street, and The Irishman, feature him in supporting roles.