This enthusiast game show spinoff has produced some episodes that have been excruciating to watch, but along the way, a few celebrity contestants have demonstrated how severely they take Jeopardy! Semi-final winners Wil Wheaton (best known for his roles in “Star Trek: The Next Generation”), Ike Barinholtz (known for his roles in “The Mindy Project”), and Patton Oswalt have advanced to the final round, where they start competing against one another for the chance to win bragging rights and a payout of one million dollars for charity. Who took home the trophy in Celebrity Jeopardy season 1? ( Here is all you need to know about the conclusion of Celebrity Jeopardy Season 1 Episode 13 in case you missed any of the exciting moments.
Celebrity Jeopardy Season 1 Episode 13 Recap
When it comes to the very simple questions that we saw some of the participants get over the course of the previous several months, Celebrity Jeopardy is deserving of some criticism for a number of reasons, especially when it pertains to the incredibly easy questions that they asked. Despite this, we were left with three formidable competitors at the end of the competition, and we had high hopes that the final game would be at least somewhat analogous to what we see on the syndication version of the show.
As we prepared to watch the season one finale of Celebrity Jeopardy on ABC, we had no clue that the competition would be so intense. It took some time before even getting to this stage, but eventually, the three squared off against one another in a showdown unlike any other.  At the beginning of the game, it seemed as though Patton Oswalt, an actor known for his role on the television show The King of Queens as well as a comedian was going to win based on the strength of a few Daily Doubles. Nevertheless, The Afterparty‘s Ike Barinholtz was essentially the dominant performer throughout the game, despite the fact that he had made several wise wagers as well. Ike Barinholtz was in the driver’s seat heading into the last round, and he was able to take out the victory by providing the correct response. Because of his victory, which earned him a cumulative sum of $72,0001, he is awarded the game’s top prize of one million dollars, which is donated to charity. In conclusion, all three of the guys were excellent sports and in high spirits, but of course, now we can’t help but be disappointed that there will not be a second season any time soon. Celebrity Jeopardy! host Mayim Bialik hopes that more of her co-stars will win a game if Celebrity Jeopardy! is renewed for a second season.