The Netflix fantasy drama series “Locke & Key” was created by the team of Carlton Cuse, Meredith Averill, and Aron Eli Coleite and is based on the comic book series of the same name by Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodrguez. After Rendell Locke, the family patriarch passes away under unexplained circumstances, the story follows the Locke family. The Locke family, consisting of Tyler, Kinsey, and Bode, as well as their mother Nina, relocate to Keyhouse as a result of this unfortunate tragedy. Â Locke and Key season 2 will premiere on Netflix in October 2021 after the second and third seasons of the show were filmed concurrently. On Wednesday, August 10, Locke and Key season 3 debuts with eight brand-new chapters of the Locke family’s adventures. It’s almost time for a new season of Locke and Key on Netflix, but after the third season premiere, fans of the popular horror series will be wondering if Locke and Key season 4 will be coming soon.
Locke & Key Season 3: Where is Filmed?
How Does Locke and Key Season 3 End? What Happens to the Keys? Explained
Will there be another season of Locke and Key after season 3 debuts, though, with so many Netflix series recently being canceled and renewed throughout 2022 so far? What viewers should know about the Netflix series’ future is provided at tvacute.
Will there be a fourth season of Locke and Key?
Sadly, Netflix will not be getting Locke & Key season 4. The streaming service made the announcement that Locke and Key’s third season would be its final one well in advance of the season’s premiere, and the showrunners provided an explanation of their decision to do so. Executive producers and showrunners Carlton Cuse and Meredith Averill discussed the choice to end the Locke family’s tale after three seasons when it was revealed in April 2022 that season 3 would be the last. In a statement, they said:
“Once we began working on the series, we felt three seasons was the ideal length to bring the story of the Locke family and their Keyhouse adventures to a satisfying conclusion. As storytellers, we are grateful that we had the opportunity to tell our version of Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez’s incredible story exactly the way we wanted. We’re keeping the magical keys, though, for our own personal use.”
According to Cuse and Averill, a three-season run had always been part of the plan, even though there are more than three issues in the comic book series written by Joe Hill and illustrated by Gabriel RodrĂguez. However, with the ending in mind, we’re sure the series ends the story in a fitting place with its eight-episode final season.