The new British mystery thriller television series “Murder Is Easy“ brings the enthralling world of Agatha Christie‘s mysteries to life once more. Based on Christie’s 1939 book of the same name, this series was adapted by Sian Ejiwunmi-Le Berre and directed by Meenu Gaur. The show is about a former police officer named Luke Fitzwilliam, who is played by David Jonsson. When Fitzwilliam meets the mysterious Miss Pinkerton on a train, the story takes an interesting turn. This leads him to look into a string of deaths in the town of Wynchwood-Under-Ashe. As viewers get lost in the mysterious world of “Murder is Easy,” they can’t help but wonder: Is Wychwood Under Ashe a real place, or is it just something out of Agatha Christie’s vivid imagination? tvacute delves into the details.
Is Wychwood Under Ashe a Real Place?
No, Wychwood Under Ashe is not a real place; it is a fictional village created by Agatha Christie for her novel “Murder is Easy.” Some other places in the UK also have the name “Wychwood” such as Wychwood School in Oxford, Wychwood Forest in Oxfordshire, and Wychwood Event Festival. Wychwood Place is the name of a street in several places, such as the US and Canada. but they are not related to the village in Agatha Christie’s books.
Even though Wychwood Under Ashe is an important part of the story, it is important to note that this town is completely made up. The fictional English village serves as the primary setting for the events of the series’ television adaption. During filming, however, the production team decided to use real places, mostly in Scotland, to bring this made-up setting to life. Producer Karen Kelly was drawn to Tyninghame because it had kept its original character.
The village of Tyninghame in East Lothian was very important to the story of Wychwood Under Ashe. Tyninghame residents were excited about having the show and said it was “great fun.” The village hall and a nearby cafĂ© were used for filming, which helped make the quaint and mysterious town seem more real.
The production team went to many places to get the feel of Wychwood Under Ashe, such as Sorn Castle in East Ayrshire, the town of Garvald, and parts of Stirlingshire and Paisley. Every one of these places added to the general mood of the show, creating a background that mixes the charm of a sleepy English village with the beautiful scenery of Scotland.
Mark Bonnar, who plays Reverend Humbleby in the show, talked about what it was like to film there, naming important places like Sorn Castle, a castle from the 1800s with a lot of history. His use of the phrase “amazing place” to describe the castle emphasizes how immersive the filming process was, giving the actors the chance to explore and enjoy the historical background.
Together, we can say that Wychwood Under Ashe comes from the mind of Agatha Christie and is brought to life on TV and in real places in Scotland. There may not be a real town in “Murder Is Easy,” but Tyninghame and other Scottish locations used in the story make it seem more real and give it more depth.
Where was BBC’s Murder Is Easy filmed?