Netflix has dropped the first trailer for Young Royals, an upcoming swedish coming-of-age series that follows a new royal family. Prince Wilhelm (played by Edvin Ryding) arrives at his new prestigious boarding school, Hillerska, and seeks to lead a normal life filled with freedom and unconditional love, away from royal obligations. But the dilemma increases when they have to choose between love or duty.Young Royals Season 1Â will premiere on July 1 only on best Streaming Netflix.
Young Royals Season 1 Cast
Edvin Ryding as Prince Wilhelm, Omar Rudberg, Malte Gårdinger, Frida Argento, Nikita Uggla, Pernilla August, Nathalie Varli, Felicia Truedsson, Mimmi Cyon, Ingela Olsson, Livia Millhagen and David Lenneman. The Young Royals series is directed by Rojda Sekersöz (conceptual director) and Erika Calmeyer. Lisa Ambjörn (head writer), Pia Gradvall, Sofie Forsman and Tove Forsman are writers for the series.
The story centers around Prince Wilhelm (Edvin Ryding). When he arrives at the prestigious boarding school Hillerska he finally gets an opportunity to explore his true self and find out what kind of life he really wants. Wilhelm starts dreaming of a future filled with freedom and unconditional love far away from the royal obligations – but when he unexpectedly becomes next in line for the throne his dilemma is heightened as he has to make a choice. Love or duty. _ Netflix.
Young Royals Season 1 Photos
Photos Source: Netflix